Category: Magna Carta Project Maintenance Categories
Categories: Project Maintenance Categories | Magna Carta Project Current Pages
- If adding a maintenance category to a profile, please include an explanation (see examples here). For an overview of each needs= category, click here. There is also information on the Magna Carta Project Section page.
This is a high-level category for Magna Carta Project maintenance categories. If a profile needs Project attention but does not fit into one of the "Magna Carta Project Needs..." categories listed below, please contact the Project (post a comment to the project account). The "Needs..." categories should be added using "needs=" parameters of the same name with a Magna Carta template.
This is an active Magna Carta Project category with up-to-date information.
Reviewed: Michael Cayley Cayley-55 13:59, 19 June 2020 (UTC)
Subcategories (9)
This page was last modified 18:24, 30 October 2020. This page has been accessed 1,638 times.