Category: McAdoo-199 Pre-1800

Categories: McAdoo-199

Sub-Cat: Pre-1800 - a documented life event between 1701 and 1799.

This is one Sub-Category of my top level Personal Category, McAdoo-199. I use it in my research, not only of my McAdoo ancestors, but ALL of the members of the McAdoo family together with the surname's variant spellings such as McAdow, McAdoe, Macadoo, Makado, and similar. I use sub-categories to tag selected McAdoo profiles, and McAdoo related profiles, in order to connect leads, explore relationships, and flag possible connections. This facilitates my research on McAdoos and their origins and migrations.

Profiles tagged with this sub-category indicate a McAdoo person who has a documented life event that occurred between the years commencing 1 Jan 1701 up to and including 31 Dec 1800.

McAdoo-199 04:20, 1 September 2016 (EDT)

This page was last modified 01:35, 14 June 2019. This page has been accessed 97 times.