Category: Mendoza, Argentina

Categories: Argentina

Name: Mendoza, Argentina
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Mendoza, officially Province of Mendoza, is a province of Argentina, in the western central part of the country in the Cuyo region. It borders San Juan to the north, La Pampa and Neuquén to the south, San Luis to the east, and the republic of Chile to the west; the international limit is marked by the Andes mountain range. Its capital city is the homonymous city of Mendoza.

Person Profiles (4)

15 Mar 1815 Mendoza, Argentina
17 Jul 1932 Mendoza, Argentina - 30 Sep 2020 photo
1780 San Juan, Argentina
09 May 1808 Capital, Mendoza, Argentina

This page was last modified 01:24, 26 January 2023. This page has been accessed 36 times.