Category: Morton-7125
Categories: Personal Categories
Tasks and Reminders
Use this page to keep track of tasks where I have additional information to additional information to add to profiles or that need more clean up that will take extra time.
DONE-Need to go back to Sarah Wyatt wife of James Coffelt (German) who is being confused with Sarah Unknown wife of James Coffel (Irish). Source and explain so others can clearly see differences.
Need to return to Melton-1494, Joel D. Melton of Izard Co., for more sourcing and completion of profile. Also work on Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Izard co.
Is Jennie Buffington-782 the same as -252? Who are her parents and children?
Return to John Calvin Brown and see if I can find enough to write a proper bio.
Evangeline Parker, Stanley Trimble, Jonise Heenan and VG form TG DNA matches. Continue to work lines for find MRCA.
DONE, but subject to improvement. Create memory walls for Edrie, JG, Grandparents.
Andrew Mackeys, sort through confusion.
What projects do they belong in? Veterans, colonists, pioneers regions, ethnic, religious, historical figures.
Arnolds of the South, sort families.
Arnolds of Izard Co.
Rogers name in the Cherokee world. Frequently confused identities. Rogers Family Project. Keep adding Rogers category to appropriate profiles.
McDade-6, not mine, return and add parents, look for other children.
People keep creating new identities for William Emory-13. Merges have been proposed for -18, -270 and -148. -102 still need proposed. Further complicated by multi ID's for same spouse and children. Needs a ton of clean up and won't stay that way when done. Needs some great primary sources to stop the confusion. Wordpress blog on McMinn Co. is adding to the confusion-
Arnold-12194|Hazel MacIvor. Profile needs updates.
Cherokee profiles are a mess. Benge and family need lots of merging and clean up.
Alexander McDaniel has multiple profiles and conflicting parents to work thru.
Subcategories (1)
Pages (1)
Person Profiles (2)
This page was last modified 02:32, 26 September 2019. This page has been accessed 112 times.