Category: Natural History Society of Northumbria
Categories: Science Organisations | Northumberland
- Landing level category
- The Natural History Society of Northumbria aims to promote and encourage the study of natural history, protect the flora and fauna in the North-East of England, and care for and extend their library and collections at the Great North Museum: Hancock.
- This category includes naturalists of the North East, associated with the Society.
Person Profiles (5)
Joshua Alder
abt 1792 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England - 1867
Joseph Crawhall
22 Aug 1793 Allendale, Northumberland, England - 1853
Albany Hancock
26 Dec 1806 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England - 1873
John Hancock
24 Feb 1808 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England, United Kingdom - 11 Oct 1890
Mary Hancock
01 Nov 1810 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England, United Kingdom - 1896
This page was last modified 21:58, 23 February 2022. This page has been accessed 103 times.