Category: Newcastle upon Tyne, Scott Name Study

Categories: England, Scott Name Study

This is the companion category for the Scott Name Study. To add this category to a profile, you can add the tag [[Category: Newcastle upon Tyne, Scott Name Study]] or the template by pasting the following code onto the profile:

{{One Name Study|name=Scott|category=Newcastle upon Tyne, Scott Name Study}}

Person Profiles (12)

1709 - 16 Jul 1800
24 Dec 1750 Northumberland, England - 03 Jun 1825
1725 Earsdon, Northumberland, England - 12 May 1810
abt 1768 - 07 Apr 1821
abt 1732 - 01 Jan 1764
1784 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England - 16 Apr 1862
08 Mar 1774 - 24 Dec 1805
04 Jun 1751 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England - 13 Jan 1838 photo
abt 1774 - 17 Apr 1846
abt 1697 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England - 06 Nov 1776
1754 Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England - 28 Jun 1831

This page was last modified 18:15, 22 November 2021. This page has been accessed 72 times.