Category: Panteón Municipal de Sabinas Hidalgo Cemetery, Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León

Categories: Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Cemeteries | Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León

Name: Panteón Municipal de Sabinas Hidalgo Cemetery
(also known as Panteón Español, Cemeterio Español, Panteón del Aguacate)
Location:Category: Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León
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Project / Team:Cemeterist
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags Cemeteries and Categorization

Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Panteón Municipal de Sabinas Hidalgo Cemetery, Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León]] .

Person Profiles (2)

27 Apr 1911 Sombreretillo, Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Mexico - 16 Sep 2010
15 Dec 1908 El Encino, Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Mexico - 15 May 1973

This page was last modified 02:19, 5 December 2024. This page has been accessed 6 times.