Category: Presbyterianism

Categories: Christianity | Reformed Faiths

Name: Presbyterianism
Timeframe:(1560 - )
Beliefs:Presbyterianism: Characteristics
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Presbyterianism is a part of the Protestant reformed tradition. It name derives from the presbyterian form of church government based on representative assemblies of elders. Although other Reformed churches are organized in a similar manner, the word Presbyterian, when capitalized, is often limited to those churches that trace their roots to the Church of Scotland and the English dissenter groups which formed during the English Civil War.

Subcategories (4)

Person Profiles (2)

10 Aug 1926 Wheeling, Ohio, West Virginia, USA - 13 Nov 2020 Privacy Level: Public (Green) photo
07 Mar 1794 Old Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland - 07 Jan 1869 photo

This page was last modified 20:20, 2 February 2021. This page has been accessed 458 times.