Category: Province of North Carolina, Immigrants

Categories: Colonial America, Immigrants | Province of North Carolina | Carolina Colonists | North Carolina Colonists

Name: AdminEntity, Immigrants
To Country:Colonial America
To Entity:Province of North Carolina
Instructions:Space: Migration Category Structure
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps
Project / Team:Categorization

This is a mid-level container category for Migration categories involving the Province of North Carolina which was created in 1712, when the Province of Carolina was split into North and South Carolina. The only people profiles in this category should be those known to have immigrated to North Carolina after 1712 but the country of origin is not known. If the country is known, but not a more specific location, categorize the person under that subcategory. If a more specific location is known, categorize to the appropriate "Migrants from... to Province of North Carolina" subcategory (under the country subcategory, below). Before 1712, use Category: Province of Carolina, Immigrants. (After 4 July 1776, use Category: North Carolina, Immigrants.)

If you need categorization help, please contact the US Southern Colonies Project's Categories Team or the Categorization Project. See also this US Southern Colonies page and the Categorization Project's glossary. For help with the Carolinas, contact the US Southern Colonies Project's Province of Carolina Team.

Subcategories (5)

This page was last modified 03:21, 7 September 2020. This page has been accessed 360 times.