Category: R1b Group Type 24, Graham Name Study
Categories: Graham DNA Project
R1b Group: Type 24 in the Graham DNA project has three tests associated with it on Family Tree DNA:
test 502731, earliest known ancestor George W. McKinney, b. 1853 KY, haplogroup R-M269
test 21909, earliest known ancestor Lewis Graham, 1819 - 1882 Scottsville, Allen, Kentucky, haplogroup R-M269
test 931332, earliest known ancestor Paris Graham 1824-1869, haplogroup R-BY155671
Paris Graham is believed to be the son of Mathias Grimes. Find-a-Grave lists many children for Mathias, I'm not sure what the sources are yet, but Lewis is not one of those listed.
Person Profiles (2)
This page was last modified 16:12, 6 June 2023. This page has been accessed 33 times.