Category: Radnorshire, Needs LNAB

Categories: Wales, Needs LNAB | Radnorshire, Maintenance Categories

The "Radnorshire, Needs LNAB" category holds profiles for which there is uncertainty regarding or the Last Name At Birth (LNAB) or a need for a correction to the LNAB of someone born in Radnorshire.

The reasons for a profile to be placed in this category may include:

  • Concern that the LNAB may be incorrect, and need for additional evidence to support the choice of correct LNAB
  • Incorrect spelling
  • Incorrect capitalization
  • Not following established guidelines for a project
  • New research showing that the LNAB should be changed (this includes Unknowns whose identity has been uncovered, as well as profiles that currently show a last name but have been determined through research to lack evidence for any LNAB other than "Unknown").

Please place profiles in sub-categories using the narrowest category available.

This page was last modified 13:45, 17 May 2024. This page has been accessed 55 times.