Category: Rhosesmor, Flintshire

Categories: Flintshire

Parallel category hierarchies in other languages (en): cy | en |
Name: Rhosesmor, Flintshire
Free space page:Space: Flintshire Resources
Wikipedia/WikiData:English wikipedia Q7321490
Web page:Wikishire
Web page:Vision of Britain
Map:OpenStreetMap Google
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps
Project / Team:Wales / Flintshire Team
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags Wales and Flintshire and Categorization
Traditional, Historic, County Flintshire
1974 - 1996 County Clwyd
1996 - Present County Flintshire 1996 - Present
This category is maintained by the Flintshire Team. Visit their Team page for more information about the Project.

Subcategories (3)

Person Profiles (10)

08 Nov 1831 Flintshire, Wales, United Kingdom
1880 Rhosesmor, Flintshire, Wales, United Kingdom - 12 Aug 1908
1840 Rhosesmor, Flintshire, Wales - 26 Aug 1907
15 Feb 1906 Rhosesmor, Flintshire, Wales - abt 1919
06 Feb 1906 Rhosesmor, Flintshire, Wales - abt 1993
26 Jun 1757 Caerfallwch, , Flint, Wales - 1799
abt 1719 - abt 1777
abt 1884 Rhosesmor, Flintshire, Wales

This page was last modified 10:41, 25 June 2022. This page has been accessed 58 times.