Category: RichardsonDNA R1bGroup5
Those linked below are either those who have tested Y-DNA and belong to the FTDNA Richardson project, showing in the R1b Group 05 cluster, OR assorted people on their direct male line ancestry.
All four RICHARDSON lines represented have now specifically SNP tested, all being assigned to R-ZZ7 or below. Three of the four have BigY tested, which resulted in a new sub branch under R-ZZ7 (search for Richardson) and keep an eye on at YFull. The fourth BigY is in progress (Jun 2018)
For the overall tree of mankind, see YFull for this branch of the R haplogroup tree, and for these RICHARDSONs in particular, watch DNASurnames.
Most lines have connections to Morebattle, Roxburghshire, and also appear on the subset of the RICHARDSON DNA project on DNASurnames
Person Profiles (6)
This page was last modified 23:05, 21 June 2018. This page has been accessed 535 times.