Category: Sánchez Name Study

Categories: One Name Studies

This is the companion category page for the Sanchez Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study sticker (which will add the category automatically).

Pages (1)

Person Profiles (5)

abt 1862 Moyahua, Moyahua de Estrada, Zacatecas, Mexico - abt 1912
20 Jan 1894 Caldwell County, Texas, USA - 18 Apr 1964 photo
04 Feb 1504 El Bonillo, Albacete, España (Spain)
1551 Espíritu Santo, Riópar, Albacete, Spain

This page was last modified 11:44, 10 May 2019. This page has been accessed 180 times.