Category: Sánchez Name Study
This is the companion category page for the Sanchez Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study sticker (which will add the category automatically).
Pages (1)
Person Profiles (5)
Severa Gonzales Suares
abt 1862 Moyahua, Moyahua de Estrada, Zacatecas, Mexico - abt 1912
Fabian Sanchez
20 Jan 1894 Caldwell County, Texas, USA - 18 Apr 1964
Josefa (Sánchez) Flores
abt 1845
María Sánchez
04 Feb 1504 El Bonillo, Albacete, España (Spain)
Simon (Sánchez) Sánchez Soto
1551 Espíritu Santo, Riópar, Albacete, Spain
This page was last modified 11:44, 10 May 2019. This page has been accessed 180 times.