Category: Sandemanian (Glasite) Church
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The Sandemanian church is a non-conformist protestant movement which began in Scotland in 1730’s and spread into England and to the USA. The church was founded by John Glas but much of the teaching was developed and promoted by his son-in-law Robert Sandeman, who founded churches in England and in North America.
The churches were close knit communities, and many families were members of the church for several generations.
The London church included notables such as Michael Faraday. The church has now died out.
This is part of a free space project, researching into the history of the Sandemanian Church with a number of pages of further information linked to the relevant profiles.
Individual profiles As far as possible, individual profiles are not added to this page, but within the congregations where they were members.
See: Wikipedia article on Glasite Church
Subcategories (10)
Pages (21)
L cont.
This page was last modified 02:13, 4 December 2021. This page has been accessed 716 times.