Category: Smith-157141

Categories: Personal Categories

. These are relatives of mine, those who share genetic material. This file lists those and keeps a tally of how many of them there are. Most, but not all, of the ones here will also be on my Watch List. Nor is this the entire list of relative I have that have profiles on WT. Some of those relatives have files which are locked and so I'm unable to place the Category:Smith-157141 on them and for the nonce I'll skip over them. Another PM, Carla Tucker, has generously granted me access to add the Category:Smith-157141 and the upshot of that was an influx of what looks like 300 to 400 new names on my Watch list at WT.

Person Profiles (155)


06 Feb 1937 Collingsworth, Texas, United States Privacy Level: Public (Green)


Living Beal
Living Bowman
Living Brown
Living Brown
Living Brown
Living Brown
Living Bruce


Living Carroll
Living Carroll
Living Carroll
Living Carroll
Living Crane
Living Crane
Living Crocker
Living Crocker
Living Curb
Living Curb


Living Daniel
Living Drummond
Living Dumas
Living Dumas


Living Freeman
Living Freeman
Living Freeman


Living Gatti
06 Oct 1947 Ward, Texas, United States Privacy Level: Public (Green)
1940s Privacy Level: Private with Public Family Tree (Yellow)
1940s - 2010s Privacy Level: Private with Public Family Tree (Yellow)
Living Green
Living Green


Living Hamilton
1930s Privacy Level: Private with Public Family Tree (Yellow)
Living Herod
Living Herod
Living Hobdy
Living Hobdy
Living Hobdy
Living Hope
Living Howell
Living Howell
Living Huffman
abt Jan 1808 Garrard County, Kentucky - abt 1852


Living Johns
Living Johns
Living Johns
Living Johns
Living Johns
Living Johns
Living Johns
Living Johns
Living Johns

J cont.

Living Johns


Living Kimbrell
Living Kimbrell
Living Kimbrell
Living Kimbrell
Living Kinkade


Living Mathis
Living Mays
Living Mays
Living Mays
Living McMinn
Living McMinn
Living McNeeley
Living McNeeley
Living McNeeley
Living McNeely
Living McNeely
Living McNeely
Living Meyer
Living Meyer
Living Meyer


Living Pate
Living Pate
Living Pate
Living Pate


Living Riley
Living Riley
1950s Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow) photo Active member14
Living Roberts
Living Roberts
Living Robinson
Living Robinson
Living Rogers
Living Ross


Living Sartor
Living Sartor
Living Sartor
Living Savage
Living Self
Living Sellers
Living Sellers
Living Sellers
Living Sellers
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
03 Sep 1929 Taylor, Texas, United States Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Living Smith

S cont.

Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Smith
Living Sprabary
Living Stadtmiller
Living Stadtmiller
Living Stadtmiller
Living Starnes photo
Living Stone
Living Sudderth
Living Sudderth
Living Sweetwood
Living Sweetwood
Living Sweetwood
Living Sweetwood


Living Taylor
Living Taylor
Living Taylor
Living Taylor
Living Taylor
Living Taylor
Living Taylor
1950s - 2010s Privacy Level: Private with Public Family Tree (Yellow)
Living Taylor


1950s Privacy Level: Private with Public Family Tree (Yellow)
1940s Privacy Level: Private with Public Family Tree (Yellow)
Living Wiggins
Living Wiggins
Living Wiggins
Living Williams
Living Williams
Living Williams
Living WIlliams
Living Wimberley
Living Wimberley
Living Wright
Living Wright
Living Wright
Living Wright
Living Wright


Living Yancey


Living Zink

This page was last modified 13:17, 9 September 2019. This page has been accessed 3,767 times.