Category: Soldano Name Study
This is the companion category page for the Soldano Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study sticker (which will add the category automatically).
The family name Soldano is relatively uncommon among the Corleonesi of the late 1800s, making a one name study a modest undertaking. In Latin, "Soldano" means "sultan."
While I have found relatively few records in the name of Soldano, a few individuals are known both as Giordano and Soldano, enough that I have begun to collect all records in the name of Giordano. The two names, though unrelated, sound similar enough in Sicilian that they become conflated in the written records. "Giordano" is derived from "Jordan."
See also the Cascio name study, and the answer to the question, "Where does the surname Giordano originate?"
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This page was last modified 15:04, 14 July 2020. This page has been accessed 532 times.