Category: Spanish-American War Project
Categories: Military and War Project Maintenance Categories | Military and War Project
This category is managed by the Spanish-American War Project in association with the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with both categorization and Spanish-American_War.
This is a maintenance category for items related to the Spanish-American War Project.
Individual profiles found here have either been incorrectly assigned as a category in a profile,, the profile has an improperly formatted project box or sticker, or the project box has a needs= identifier that has caused it to be placed here, or in a sub category, for project members to review and correct data/
Subcategories (1)
Pages (2)
Person Profiles (2)
This page was last modified 13:18, 17 June 2020. This page has been accessed 547 times.