Category: Springer Family Fabrication
Categories: Frauds and Fabrications
The publication, "A Genealogical Table and History of the Springer family", by Moses C. Sprinter, published in 1881 derives the Springer family from Louis II 'the Springer" Count of Thuringia (Ludwig II, Landgraf von Thüringen).
Although Ludwig II did exist and had the nickname 'der Springer', his son who supposedly started the Springer family lineage; Christoph Louis I, Count Springer of Waldenburg did not exist.
Whether Moses C. Springer copied his study of the Springer family from elsewhere or invented it himself, is not clear but either way there are many generations of the family from Christoph Louis I, Count Springer of Waldenburg, who also never existed and are fabrications.
Some reasons why they are considered fabrications include;
- none of the family or spouses can be confirmed with any other independent source;
- they often have two given names in the medieval period where this naming structure was virtually unknown
- are given the title Count Springer of Waldenburg, which also never existed in that format.
This fabricated genealogy is also copied in other genealogical publications, such as Springer, Isaac E.. The Springer genealogy. Detroit, Mich.: unknown, 1909. Digital image, and other genealogies
It is not totally clear when this lineage does eventually represent people who did exist, and that needs further research.
See: Springer, MosesC., A Genealogical Table and History of the Springer Family in Europe and North America for eight centuries, from the earliest German Princes; Origin of the name etc., Philadelphia: Dickson & Gilling, 1881. Digital image, Internet Archive, (
Person Profiles (18)
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