Category: St James' Anglican Church Cemetery, Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales

Categories: New South Wales, Cemeteries | Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales

Name: St James' Anglican Church Cemetery
(also known as St James' Church of England Cemetery
Kurrajong Heights Anglican Church Cemetery)
Location:Category: Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales
Address:1235 Bells Line of Rd, Kurrajong Heights NSW 2758, Australia
Affiliation:Anglican; St James' Anglican Church, Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales
WikiTree+ Report:Detailed report on profiles and related FG cemeteries
FindAGrave:2571752 map
Cemeteries Map:OPS Map WT+ Map
Web page:Cemetery 1672 - Kurrajong Heights Anglican Church
Map:OpenStreetMap Google
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps
Project / Team:Cemeterist
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags Cemeteries and Categorization

Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:St James' Anglican Church Cemetery, Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales]] .

Person Profiles (1)

05 Jun 1866 New South Wales, Australia - 06 May 1939

This page was last modified 01:24, 24 November 2022. This page has been accessed 20 times.