Category: Tasman, New Zealand, Cemeteries

Categories: New Zealand, Cemeteries | Tasman, New Zealand

Name: Cemeteries in Tasman, New Zealand
Location:Category: Tasman, New Zealand
FindAGrave Area:Search
Project / Team:Global Cemeteries
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags Cemeteries and Categorization
This is a high level category. Please do not add individual profiles. Add
profiles to the narrowest category possible. See How to Categorize.
For help creating cemetery categories see How to Categorise Cemeteries

Cemetery categories are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Tasman, New Zealand, Cemeteries]] . For more information on naming and categorizing cemeteries, see: How to Categorize Cemeteries.

Note: If you are creating a Cemetery to add to this page, the correct format is:
'Cemetery Name, Suburb/Town/City, Region
An example is:
Category: St Johns Churchyard, Wakefield, Tasman
Which is then listed under the categories
Tasman, New Zealand Cemeteries | Wakefield, Tasman

Please be careful with punctuation and spacing when creating a new category.

Free-Space pages
Free-Space pages may exist for some of these cemeteries. Please check under the relevant cemetery subcategory for details.

Subcategories (36)

This page was last modified 10:05, 20 August 2022. This page has been accessed 1,165 times.