Category: Thirteen Colonies

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1776 Project

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Thirteen Colonies

The Thirteen Colonies were some of the east coast British North America colonies, founded between 1607 and 1733. In 1776 they declared independence and became the United States of America. Canada, Nova Scotia, St John's Island and Newfoundland did not join, where some of these areas were unsuccessfully invaded during the Revolution in an attempt to coerce their inclusion in the new republic.

See also Wikipedia:Thirteen Colonies.

1. Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations | 2. Connecticut Colony | 3. Delaware Colony | 4. Province of Georgia | 5. Province of Maryland | 6. Massachusetts Bay Colony | 7. Province of New Hampshire | 8. Province of New Jersey | 9. Province of New York | 10. Province of North Carolina | 11. Province of Pennsylvania | 12. Province of South Carolina | 13. Virginia Colony

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