Category: Threlkeld Name Study
Categories: One Name Studies | DNA Projects
This is the companion category for the Threlkeld Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study template (which will add the category automatically).
{{One Name Study|name=Threlkeld}}
- results in:
This is the companion Category page for the Threlkeld One-Name Study and it displays all WikiTree profiles and subcategories currently associated with the Study. Of note is that there are many spelling and phonetic variations of the surname, and the Study also includes the most common ones, notably Thrailkill, Thurlkill, and Threlkel. To place this Category on a profile and join it to the Study, you can simply add the Threlkeld One-Name Study sticker (which will add the Category automatically). Just copy and paste the following text into any profile of a deceased individual immediately below the "Biography" heading:
{{One Name Study|name=Threlkeld}}
You'll note that we have a few subcategories involving geographic locations. These will expand over time and, while all profiles will be included on this "parent" Category page, the subcategories will allow you to more effectively browse profiles of those who were born in that locale. Additional information about this Guild-registered Study can be found at The Study's primary website.
Subcategories (2)
Pages (1)
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This page was last modified 22:03, 1 August 2022. This page has been accessed 1,379 times.