Category: To Do, Joyner Name Study

Categories: Joyner Name Study

This Page is part of the Joyner Name Study.

To Do Categories and profiles for the Joyner Name Study

To Do list

  • Invite other Joyner researchers to collaborate with the Joyner Name Study.
  • Identify (categorize and label) further family groups
  • Identify (categorize) Joyner profiles that lack a Joyner parent
  • Identify (categorize) notable Joyner profiles

The [[Category:To Do, Joyner Name Study]] category is for action required wikitree categories and profiles which have either the Joyner or Joiner surname.

Subcategories (2)

Pages (1)

This page was last modified 00:40, 4 February 2021. This page has been accessed 133 times.