Category: Trinity Episcopal Church, Staunton, Virginia
Categories: Staunton, Virginia, Religious Congregations | Staunton, Virginia | National Register of Historic Places
Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Trinity Episcopal Church, Staunton, Virginia]] .
Augusta Parish (Trinity Church), the oldest church in Staunton, was founded in 1746, one year after Augusta County became an independent entity, and one year before the City of Staunton was established.
The [[:Category:|Trinity churchyard]] was the only public burying ground in Staunton for many years and was closed to the public when Thornrose Cemetery was opened, in 1853.
- Trinity Episcopal Church (Staunton, Virginia) wikipedia entry
This page was last modified 15:58, 22 November 2021. This page has been accessed 98 times.