Category: US Southern Colonies Inactive Project Pages
Categories: US Southern Colonies Project
The US Southern Colonies Project was re-launched in May 2020, with a narrowed scope. The previous scope covered pre-1776 America, excluding the Northern Colonies, so a lot of project pages no longer were within the scope of the relaunched project and were set adrift. This category is to give them a home until they can be re-homed with another project.
Also in this category are pages created during the re-launch that were later determined to not be needed as organization of the re-launched project continued (such as the GEDcom Team and Topical Teams).
This is a high level category. Please do not add individual person profiles. Add profiles to the narrowest category possible.
This category is managed by the US Southern Colonies Categories Team. Please post a comment on that page if you have any questions.
Last reviewed 4 Jan 2023 by the Categories Team.
Subcategories (2)
Pages (13)
This page was last modified 04:50, 5 January 2023. This page has been accessed 226 times.