Category: Unidentified Family Photos and Scans

Categories: Family Heirlooms | Scan-a-Thon

This category serves a container for family photographs and scans that are of, or include, unidentified persons. This is the primary category used during the Scan-a-Thon.


Browse through the free-space pages below and see if the applicable Surname page has already been created.

If the surname page has already been added to the listing below, add your photos to that free-space page that already exists.

If the Surname page does not yet exist in the listing below:

  • Create a new free-space page, named in the following format: Space:______ Family Unidentified Photos and Scans

Space:Cardon Family Unidentified Photos and Scans

  • Set the page privacy to Open;
  • Upload any photos or scans to the free-space page;
  • Add the following category to the free-space page: [[Category: Family Photos and Scans]].

Note: Please review the Photos FAQ for more information on how to add a photo, remove or delete a photo, edit photo information, know if you have permission to upload a photo, and why your photo display sideways.

Subcategories (1)

Pages (16)

This page was last modified 02:00, 6 May 2020. This page has been accessed 706 times.