Category: United States, Durbin Name Study

Categories: Durbin Name Study

This is a mid-level category. Profiles should be added to the narrowest category possible, but may be placed here when further information is not known. See How to Categorize.

About the Template

If you add a "|" (pipe character) when you add the template for the sticker , you may further categorize into a place name category. {{One Name Study|name=Durbin|category=Ohio, Durbin Name Study}} will result in the same sticker as shown above, with the addition of [[Category:Ohio, Durbin Name Study]] to the profile.

See: Durbin Name Study
See: Logsdon Name Study

Subcategories (35)

This page was last modified 15:00, 19 November 2021. This page has been accessed 218 times.