Category: United States, Simpier Name Study
Categories: Simpier Name Study
Part of Simpier Name Study one name study project.
Adding Subcategories
Please add US state categories as follows:
- [[Category:State, Simpier Name Study]]
- To the category edit box tag the parent category with: [[Category:United States, Simpier Name Study]] and the state's name study category [[Category:State, Name Studies]].
This is a subcategory of the Simpier Name Study.
- Individual profiles should not use this category, Use only if the State location is UNKNOWN.
- This category is for individuals who were born, lived or died in the United States.
- You can have it added to the profile of one born a Simpier by adding the following template:
{{One Name Study|name=Simpier|category=United States, Simpier Name Study}}
- This results in adding the One Name Study graphic link for the Simpier Name Study and the Category for the United States, Simpier Name Study to the profile.
- The spouse of one born a Simpier may be added by listing a category:
[[Category: United States, Simpier Name Study]]
- this code will just add the category for the United States, Simpier Name Study to the profile.
- If the state does not have its own Sub-Category listed below then it should be added.
- To add profiles to the state level put: Category: Name of State, Simpier Name Study inside [[ ]] at the top of the profile you wish to add.
Click to return to the main Simpier Name Study.
Subcategories (4)
Person Profiles (3)

This page was last modified 14:50, 19 November 2021. This page has been accessed 98 times.