Category: United States Forts, Camps and Bases

Categories: United States Armed Forces

This is a high level category. Please do not add individual profiles. Add profiles to the narrowest category possible. See How to Categorize.
This is a high level category that includes Forts, Camps, Bases and other locations where military personnel are stationed. They can be historic, specific to a war, external to the United States or currently in use.

Add new locations with the format: Name of Facility, City Located in/near, State or Foreign Country

This category is managed by the Military and War Project in association with the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with both categorization and Military_and_War.

Subcategories (57)

Pages (4)

This page was last modified 13:04, 4 November 2020. This page has been accessed 946 times.