Category: United States of America, Military Decorations
Categories: Military Decorations | United States of America
- See Also: Category:United States of America, Civil Decorations for Civil Decorations issued by United States of America.
Awards and decorations of the United States Military are the military awards including decorations which recognize service and personal accomplishments while a member of the United States Armed Forces. Together with military badges, such awards are a means to outwardly display the highlights of a service member's career. - Wikipedia
The US Department of Defense has descriptions of the awards, pictures and lists of recipents, but the lists may be incomplete. - US Department of Defense
The top three awards are ranked:
This is a high level category, individual profiles should not be assigned - use the actual award. People who are recipients of the Medal of Honor or Purple Heart should be also be represented on the Roll of Honor Project Medal of Honor (Roll of Honor)
WIA/Purple Heart (Roll of Honor)
For a more complete list of Medals of the United States, see the Free Space Profile page for Military Decorations, United States of America.
This category is managed by the Military and War Project in association with the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with both categorization and Military_and_War.
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This page was last modified 13:56, 14 January 2024. This page has been accessed 799 times.