Category: Victoria, Hospitals

Categories: Australia, Hospitals | Victoria, Health

This is a high level category. Please do not add individual profiles. Add profiles to the narrowest category possible. See How to Categorize.

Hospitals listed in Victoria.

  • Patient records for Vic. Public Hospitals are archived: ??Where??
  • Staff employment records for Vic. Public Hospitals are archived: ??Where??

Note: If you are creating a Hospital use this format:

[[Hospital Name, Suburb/Town/City, State in full]]

The category page for that new Hospital should then be listed under the categories:-

[[Category:State in full, Hospitals]]
[[Category:Town, State in full]]

An example is:

[[Category: Beechworth Hospital for the Insane, Beechworth, Victoria]]

The category page for the Beechworth Hospital for the Insane is listed under the categories:-

[[Category:Victoria, Hospitals]]
[[Category:Beechworth, Victoria]]

Please be careful with punctuation and spacing when creating a new category.

Subcategories (20)

This page was last modified 11:53, 30 April 2021. This page has been accessed 129 times.