Category: Vinbergs gamla kyrkogård, Vinberg, Halland

Categories: Halland, Cemeteries | Kyrkogårdar, Hallands län | Vinberg (N)

Name: Vinbergs gamla kyrkogård
Location:Category: Vinberg (N)
Timeframe:( - 1900)
WikiTree+ Report:Detailed report on profiles and related FG cemeteries
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Project / Team:Cemeterist
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags Cemeteries and Categorization

Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Vinbergs gamla kyrkogård, Vinberg, Halland]] .

This category is for the profiles of people buried at the old cemetery in the parish of Vinberg, Halland, Sweden. The old church was torn down in 1900 so the cemetery was used up until around that time.

Denna kategorin är för de profilsidor av människor begravda på Vinbergs gamla kyrkogård, Halland. Den gamla kyrkan revs 1900 så kyrkogården användes upp till omkring då.

Person Profiles (2)

08 Dec 1823 Vinberg, Halland, Sverige - 29 May 1904 photo
11 Jul 1851 Vinberg, Halland, Sweden - 13 Jan 1918

This page was last modified 21:22, 23 May 2023. This page has been accessed 76 times.