Category: Washington Research Assistance
Categories: United States of America Research Assistance | Washington
- WikiTree is a friendly community of genealogists and family historians. Members who have added themselves to these research assistance categories are willing to help others with specific questions and requests in Washington. Visit their profile to contact them and find out how they are able to help.
Scott Anderson -- On Whidbey Island, Island County. I am happy to help in any way I can. I can also fill photo requests for Whidbey Island cemeteries.
Alison Andrus -- Kitsap and Pierce Counties, Washington
Lisa Chan -- In Seattle, King County, Washington. Able to do look ups at the Seattle Genealogical Society Library.
Shanna Leeland -- In Bellingham, Whatcom County, WA. I can research at Western Washington University and Northwest Archives.
Kassandra McCormack -- In Snohomish County, WA. Willing to do research at libraries and genealogical societies in the area. I can also assist with cemetery photo requests.
Cayla Ray -- In Tacoma, Pierce County, WA. Willing to look for records kept by the Northwest Room of the Tacoma Public Library or by the Tacoma Historical Society.
Patt Roche -- In Jefferson County WA - able to do research at the Genealogy Research Center of the Jefferson County Historical Society.
Michael Stills -- In Kitsap County, WA. Poulsbo, Bainbridge, Silverdale, Bremerton and surrounding areas.
Susan Tye -- I am in Northern Idaho. I can do look up work in Whitman and Asotin Counties
Vic Watt -- In Olympia, Thurston County, Washington, the State Capital. I can do research in Thurston, but also at the Washington State Library, which has a good collection of Washington newspapers.
Jim Harris -- I am in Clallam County and am a member of the Clallam County Genealogical Society. I do research into the Clallam County county pioneers and first citizens. We also have a database of Clallam County obituaries.
Person Profiles (11)
This page was last modified 20:24, 26 July 2024. This page has been accessed 762 times.