Category: Whitby (1837)

Categories: 1830s Ships | Ships by Name | Immigrant Ships to New Zealand

This is a mid-level category. Profiles should be added to the narrowest category possible, but may be placed here when further information is not known. See How to Categorize.

Whitby was a three-masted, square-rigger launched in 1837 and later re-rigged as a barque. She was registered in London, and made voyages to India, British Guiana, Australia, and New Zealand.

In 1839 Whitby transported 133 female convicts to Sydney. Under the command of Captain Thomas Wellbank, she left Dublin on 18 February and arrived at Sydney on 23 June.

In 1841 Whitby, Arrow, and Will Watch carried surveyors and labourers for the New Zealand Company to prepare plots for the first settlers (scheduled to follow five months later). Whitby was wrecked at Kaipara Harbour in April 1853. Wikipedia

This is a Ship Name Category for Linking categories grouped by the Ships Voyages
Not intended for the Categorisation of individual Profiles which can be Categorised under the following Voyage Categories
but If you don't know which voyage your individual traveled on or it isn't listed yet, then link them here so that at some stage they can be moved to the correct voyage.

- Voyages are dated from the Year they departed not the Year they arrive at their destination, If not in the same year
- Not all Voyages may be listed

Subcategories (4)

This page was last modified 01:22, 5 August 2024. This page has been accessed 117 times.