Category: Wiccans

Categories: Wicca

Name: Wiccans
Timeframe:(1921 - )
Interested Member:Lisa Mitchell Valdez
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps
Project / Team: / Categorization

This category is a personal religion or spiritual tradition category which should be placed on a profile only if no local Wicca coven or assembly can be identified which the person participated in during life. If the name of any local coven or assembly which the person participated in during life can be identified, please place a category for that assembly on the person's profile instead. For historical figures influential to founding the Wicca religion, use Category: Notable Wiccans.

Person Profiles (5)

1923 Haiphong, North Vietnam - 1982 photo
02 Jul 1943 Missouri, United States - 20 Feb 2016
13 Jun 1884 Great Crosby, West Derby, Lancashire, England - 12 Feb 1964 photo
17 Jul 1944 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, United States - 28 Jul 2005
Living James

This page was last modified 02:19, 10 August 2018. This page has been accessed 216 times.