Category: Willhite Name Study

Categories: One Name Studies

Name: Willhite Name Study
WikiTree page:Space: Willhite Name Study
Genealogy:Willhite genealogy
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps

This is the companion category for the Willhite Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study template (which will add the category automatically).

This profile is part of the Willhite Name Study.

{{One Name Study|name=Willhite}}

results in:

Willhite, Wilhite, Wilhoite, Wilhoit Name

This is the companion category page for the Willheit, Willert, Willhoit, Willhoite, Wilhite, Willhite, Willhide, Wilhyde Surname and includes other spelling variations.

It contains the index of Willheit, Willert, Willhoit, Willhoite, Wilhite, Willhite, Willhide, Wilhyde related names by Birth Location. It was created to collect together in one place everything about the Willhite, Wilhite, Wilhoit, Willhoit, Willhoite name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect.

Note: Blood descendant of this surname are listed by birth location.

If the individual's birth location is unknown, you can add the One Name Study sticker to add the category automatically.

Add the template to a Willhite profile ONLY to those individuals whose last name at birth was Willhite (so no wives who became a Willhite by marriage) and whose birth location is unknown.

Template for Unknown Birth Location:

{{One Name Study
| name = Willhite
| category =Willhite Name Study

Subcategories (44)

Pages (2)

Person Profiles (14)

12 Sep 1876 White, Tennessee, United States - 31 Dec 1958
02 May 1872 Tennessee, United States - 01 Aug 1911
25 Jun 1916 White, Tennessee, United States - 01 Aug 1989
22 Mar 1897 White, Tennessee, United States - 29 Mar 1974
15 Apr 1853 White, Tennessee, United States - 18 Feb 1908
13 Apr 1777 Frederick, Maryland, United States - 08 Nov 1861
abt 04 Jul 1854 White, Tennessee, United States - 30 Dec 1946
26 Feb 1923 White, Tennessee, United States - 09 Aug 2004
abt 1889 Kentucky, United States - 28 Sep 1968
abt 1881 Kentucky, United States - 05 Jan 1946
24 Dec 1888 Sparta, White, Tennessee, United States - 11 Jun 1957
14 Nov 1802 - 04 Jan 1858
07 Oct 1874 White County, Tennessee, United States - 09 May 1919
29 Dec 1886 California, United States - 15 Oct 1913

This page was last modified 15:37, 28 October 2020. This page has been accessed 1,053 times.