Category: Woodlawn M.B. Church Cemetery, Nutbush, Tennessee
Categories: Haywood County, Tennessee, Cemeteries | Brownsville, Tennessee | Haywood County, Tennessee, African-American Cemeteries | National Register of Historic Places
Profiles are placed in this category with this text [[Category:Woodlawn M.B. Church Cemetery, Nutbush, Tennessee]] .
From the intersection of TN-19 & TN-54, west of Brownsville, travel north, then northwest on TN-19 for 6.3 mi.; turning south ( hard left) onto Woodlawn Rd., going 0.4 mi.; turning west (right) into the parking lot of the Woodlawn M.B. Church and to their large 'deeded' cemetery across the roadway, as notated on USGS topo map.
Person Profiles (9)

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