Category: Y-DNA Haplogroup R-BY19356

Categories: Y-DNA Haplogroup R-A228 - A959 - A968

This category contains profiles of persons of the Y-DNA Haplogroup R-BY19356

According to [1] (21 Nov 2022), the descent of R-BY19356 from R-L21 is as follows: R-L21 - R-DF13 - R-Z251 - R-Y7624 - R-A248 - R-A228 - R-A959 - R-A968 - R-BY19356. It formed 1450 ybp and has a TMRCA 1000 ybp

Subcategories (1)

Person Profiles (1)

1970s Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow) Active member4908

This page was last modified 17:23, 27 November 2022. This page has been accessed 101 times.