Edoardo Cavallini
Privacy Level: Private (Red)

Edoardo Cavallini

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 7 Aug 2016 | 32,668 contributions | 42 thank-yous | 606 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. My family tree is here on WikiTree but it's private.
Edoardo Cavallini
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Edoardo Cavallini private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 23 Mar 2016
This page has been accessed 1,349 times.

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  • father's name
  • children's names (1)
  • Y-chromosome DNA test connections
  • autosomal DNA test connections
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Comments: 24

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May I have access to Alfonso Bianchi- he is my great great grandfather!
posted by Dominick Brothers
Please do it cousin. Sorry for my late reply. Could you tell me how is your connection with my great-grandfather?
posted by Edoardo Cavallini
My great grand father is Pasquale Bianchi, his father was Alfonso Bianchi I’ve been told!
posted by Dominick Brothers

This is Chris from the Italy Project. As part of the annual project check-in, can you fill in the project survey? This will let us know that you are still interested in the project and which teams you'd like to participate in.

Thanks and have a great day!

posted by Chris Ferraiolo
Edoardo, thank you for taking care of Speranza's last name! We appreciate it.

Nan Unknowns team

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
edited by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
My pleasure! I appreciate your helping us to do better...

Kind regards

posted by Edoardo Cavallini
Thanks for the star Edoardo! Can I ask you why? (So I keep doing it haha!)
posted by Cristina Corbellani
Due to your great contribution to the Italian family especially on the diaspora job that you are taking care of and also because we need to support each other using well those wiki badges  : ) my pleasure.
posted by Edoardo Cavallini
Same goes for me: thank you very much for the star! And same question, so I guess because of the categories in the Italy Project? Thanks for your support! :-)
posted by I. Caruso
Absolutely yes. I have been uploading my ancestry just focused on my work, without looking more than that but now I start noticing other great people doing great jobs and if the job is related to our Italian heritage is exciting and very much welcome. I know it is not an easy job so I wanted to wave you guys with a wiki badge as I really appreciate you and your everyday investment for the next generations.
posted by Edoardo Cavallini
Good morning, Edoardo. I noticed this morning that you created several profiles for people living before 1700, so expanding our world wide tree. At the moment however, the only source cited is a family search tree and those I looked at on family search were unsourced. The requirements for earlier profiles include the addition of reliable sources rather than unsourced family trees

https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Pre-1700_Profiles As you are a member of the Italy project, it might be helpful to ask other members of the project for help in locating reliable sources.

posted by Helen (Coleman) Ford
Good morning, Helen. That's a good observation. You are right I have included a source that seems that that source missed their own source. On my years of experience with family search, they have reliable collaborators, nevertheless, I will ask them to provide their source for those profiles.
posted by Edoardo Cavallini
Hello Edoardo,

Thanks for creating pre-1700 profiles like Giuseppe Frassinesi (1661-), Ipolito Frassinesi (1663-), and Domenico Frassinesi (1660-) and taking the time to upload pictures of your primary sources.

When providing your sources, please use a full citation that would allow someone to easily follow in your footsteps to relocate the information instead of an abbreviated one, such as "Baptismal act," as used on the above profiles. Please read more in the sources style guide.


posted by William Foster Jr
edited by William Foster Jr
Ciao! This is just a general check-in for members of the Italy project. I am checking to see who is still interested in being a member of the project as we go through some much needed restructuring. I was also wondering what teams you would like to be on. We’ve created teams for each part of Italy. North, South, Islands etc. They will be explained further in an upcoming g2g post. Stay tuned. For now, please let me know if you are still interested in the project and if you’d like to be a member of a team.
posted by Chris Ferraiolo
Dear Kathy,

Thanks for asking. Even there are some profiles not yet uploaded basically all Cavallinis profiles I have come from Firenze and some from around Arno river areas towards Pisa. As I continue on the searching I’ll keep on mind your concern and will get back to you whenever happen to find any Cavallini from Frontone or Pennsylvania.

posted by Edoardo Cavallini
Hi I was wondering if you might have any info on Cavallini ancestors in the Frontone area or who came to Pennsylvania, US.

Discovered my Cavallini connection through DNA testing and I am excited to learn more!

posted by Kathy (Jenkins) Clark
Welcome to the One Name Studies Project! Please add one_name_studies to your list of followed tags so that you can follow any project discussion in G2G.

We have a FAQ page that may answer any questions you might have.

For instructions on how to get started and suggestions for getting the most out of your study, see our: One Name Study project page.

posted by Alison Andrus
Welcome to the Italian Roots project. We'll get you a badge shortly. Please list your name and genealogical interests on the project member page. There you will also find a link to our Google+ group, which you are invited to join. Lastly, do follow our Italian roots G2G tag. As questions inevitably come up, don't hesitate to ask me directly, or via G2G or via Google+.
posted by Michael Maranda
Hi Edoardo,

If you want to use your DNA test information on WikiTree, it's best to change your privacy level from 'private' to 'private with public family tree' so others here can see your information. Thanks!

posted by Kay (Johnson) Wilson
Hello, I've looked at the Cavallini duplicates and initiated a few merges. It seems that Bracha Radin has been inactive for a while. If she does not respond to your messages and requests, look at Unresponsive Managers for what you can do.

Now that you have had a little time to try WikiTree, there are a few more features you may find useful.

Ideas on what to include in a profile can be found in Styles and Standards, including some tips on writing biographies.

If you need to describe an event, an heirloom or a location relevant to your research, you may like to learn about Free Space Profiles.

Lastly, sometimes you'll run into unresponsive profile managers. We have a process for resolving those unfortunate situations.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask via my profile page.

Marlene ~ WikiTree Mentor

posted by Marlene Marx
Hi Eduardo,

Are you still have trouble getting the Add New Unrelated Person form to work? I see you asked in G2G for help. Has any of that direction helped? If you still need a hand, let me know. Screenshots of your page might help in diagnose what's causing the trouble.

Thanks! Abby

posted by Abby (Brown) Glann
Hi Eduardo!

You are now a confirmed of WikiTree! Thank you for volunteering to add your precious family history. You're the '16th Cavallini profile on Wikitree! I'm sure your Wikitree cousins will benefit from your insightful collaboration, sourced research and first-hand knowledge.

Have fun and ask for help if you need it! WikiTree members love to help out fellow genealogists, or go in on the Question of the Week: Brickwalls...argg...Have you got one, and what do you need to knock it down? If you need additional help, Contact a Mentor! They're a friendly bunch of volunteers who will be glad to assist you with WikiTree-specific problems.

See you in the branches --

Greeter K

posted by K Guerra
Hello Eduardo,

Welcome to WikiTree! The initial email from us has helpful links that will get you started on WikiTree, which is not like any genealogy site you’ve ever used.

WikiTree is different because our goal is to have one profile per person, and that means we all work together as a BIG collaborative team!

What brings you to WikiTree? Do you have research you’d like to share? Are you interested in how your family fits into the big tree? When you confirm your email address, you’ll have an opportunity to volunteer and tell us about your genealogical interests.

Once you volunteer, one of our Greeters will be happy to confirm your membership, and you’ll be on your way!

Welcome to the family! We’re really glad you’re here.


posted by [Living Wood]

C  >  Cavallini  >  Edoardo Cavallini

Categories: Cavallini Name Study