Buried Saint Elizabeths Hospital East Cemetery, Anacostia, District of Columbia
Letter Mary Charlton, Petersburg, Virginia, to Martha William Moody, "Woodlawn," Garysburg, North Carolina, March 1862.
Letter Mary Charlton to Martha William Moody, Garysburg, North Carolina, ca. 1872-1875.
Notes on The Moody Papers
The letters were sent to and retained by Martha William (Wright) Moody (1816-1885) spanning much of her life beginning in 1829 when she goes to school and ending in 1881 about four years before her death.
The letters describe southern plantation life during the period of western migration in the southern states, illness and death of family members, crop production, slaves, fashion, and religion.
This prominent planter family resided in Brunswick, Greensville, and Southampton Counties and Petersburg, Virginia; and, Northampton County, North Carolina, Mississippi and Tennessee. Surnames include Wright, Moody, Dancy, Leigh, Patterson, Crump, Lockhart, Charlton, Rhodes, Sykes and Mason.
See a full list of persons mentioned in the letters here.
Research Notes
1900 Census record find Mary Charlton (68), born in Virginia, living in the Government Hospital For The Insane, Washington, District of Columbia.
1880 Census record finds Mary Charlton (48), born in Virginia, insane, living on Nicholas Avenue, Washington, District of Columbia. Original street address for Government Hospital For The Insane.
1870 Census record finds Martha Charlton (77), Mary Charlton (37), living in Petersburg, Virginia with Virginia Charlton (35), servants Henry Robinson (48), Esther Robinson (50), Henry Robinson (21), Albert Robinson (17), Malvina Robinson (19) and Rachel Moody (10). All born in Virginia.
1860 Census record finds Geo W Charlton (63), born in Yorktown, Virginia, living with wife, Martha R Charlton (50), born in Greensville, Virginia, daughters Mary Charlton (28), Virginia Charlton (25) and Georgiana Charlton (21), all born in Greensville, Virginia.
1850 Census record finds Geo W Charlter (54), preacher, living in Petersburg, Virginia with Martha Charlter (55), Mary Charlter, Virginia Charlton (17) and Georgiana Charlton (16).
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