Chase Clift
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Chase Clift

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 4 Nov 2019 | 5,358 contributions | 129 thank-yous | 807 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree.
Chase C. Clift
Born 1990s.
Ancestors ancestors
Son of [private father (1960s - unknown)] and [private mother (1960s - unknown)] DNA confirmed
Brother of [private brother (1990s - unknown)], [private brother (1990s - unknown)], [private sister (1990s - unknown)], [private sister (2000s - unknown)] and [private brother (2000s - unknown)]
[children unknown]
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Profile last modified | Created 4 Nov 2019
This page has been accessed 1,820 times.



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Chase Cole Clift was born March 15, 1993 in Austin, Travis, Texas, United States, son of W.H. Clift Jr. (1963– ) and K.G. Wagner (1967– ).

Genealogical Interests and Pursuits

There are several different priorities that I am working on at the moment. Those would be to publish the research in my possession, ensure that all the individuals in my tree are supported by sources, discover new connections, and break brick walls if possible.

As there are ancestors or relatives that I have a particular interest in learning more about they will be highlighted here:


My Surnames

Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
Paternal Grandfather , Paternal Grandmother vs Maternal Grandfather , Maternal Grandmother ancestors
Adams, Addicott , Adrian , Aggar , Agler , Alberye , Albrecht , Alexander , Allerton , Allgar , Allred , Allred , Andersdotter , Anter , Arnold , Asbyll , Ashfield , Ashley , Astone , Austin , Awood
Badger (Badgeworth) , Bagley , Bailey , Bailey , Bailie , Baker , Baldike , Balle , Banks , Barbara , Barron , Barron , Bateman , Batt , Baughman , Bauman , Bawler , Bayley , Beale , Beard , Bechtel , Becker , Bellis , Benham , Bennett , Bennett , Benton , Berchtal , Bereman , Berg , Bern , Best , Bestin , Betts , Bickley , Biddle , Biddlecombe , Bird , Bishop , Bissell , Bissell , Blacksoll , Blair , Blaser , Blass , Blight , Bliss , Blockswiche , Blosser , Blumenshein , Boithes , Bould , Bouth , Bowman , Braken , Brasier , Brasier , Brasseur , Brett , Brett , Brewster , Briant , Brooke , Brumbelow , Brumwell , Bruton , Buck , Buell , Buntzen , Burckhardt , Burg , Burnet , Burrrell , Bushnell , Buswell , Buttolph , Byram
Camp (Campe) , Campbell , Carpenter , Carter , Carter , Case , Charde , Cheyney , Childs , Chiles , Churchill , Clark , Clarke , Cleffe , Clement , Clift , Cockburne , Collier , Collier , Collyn , Conn , Conrad , Cooke , Cooke , Cooke , Cooper , Coote , Copson , Copson , Couper , Cowper , Cozzens , Crabbe , Craig , Craigie , Crockett , Crocombe , Cunningham , Cupper , Curtis , Cutting
Dabinott, Dale , Dandiker , Dane , Danford , Daulby , Davenport , David , Davis , Davis , De Orbin , Deaton , Deming , Dennis , Dennison , Dent , Denune , Derr , Dewe , Dewey , Dixon , Dixon , Dorr , Driesbach , Drumheller , Dunkelberger , Duvall
Eames, Early , Easton , Eden , Edgell , Edmonds , Edson , Edwards , Edwards , Egbert , Eggemann , Egington , Elliot , Elphinstone , Elwall , Emerson , Engle , Ermolt , Erwin , Everitt , Everitt , Ewens
Faeg (Feg, Veeck) , Farmer , Farmer , Ferris , Ferster , Fischer , Fischer , Fisher , Fletcher , Foote , Ford , Ford , Forrest , Fortesque , Foster , Foster , Fox , Frantz , French , French , Frenchson , Frenshe , Friend , Frost , Fryer , Fuller , Funckert , Fynch
Gannett, Gardener , Gardner , Garland , Gates , Gaubatz , Gaylord , German , Glover , Godschalck , Gogel , Goore , Gordon , Grabiel , Gransden , Grant , Graves , Green , Greene , Greenleaf , Greenwaye , Greenwood , Gregory , Grice , Griffin , Griffith , Grindall , Grombridge , Guerin , Gundernhausen
Hackermann, Hafner , Haile , Haldimann , Hall , Hall , Halloway , Halloway , Halsted , Hamann , Hamlin , Hanson , Harding , Harris , Harris , Harris , Harris , Harrison , Hart , Hart , Harte , Hartkopf , Harvey , Harvey , Harvey , Harwood , Haseltine , Hassell , Hatton , Hatton , Hauer , Hawkins , Hay , Hayes , Heaton , Heitz , Henry , Hershberger , Hickox , Hieronymus , Highgate , Hill , Hill , Hillyer , Hilton , Hinkel , Hobart , Hodgkins , Hofman , Hoisington , Holbrook , Holcomb , Holland , Hollenbach , Holmes , Home , Hooker , Horn , Hosses , Howe , Huber , Huber , Huber , Hucker , Hughes , Humbert , Humphrey , Humphreys , Hunt , Hurst , Hyatt , Hyde
Iiams, Inglish , Ingold , Ive , Ivey
Jaberg, Jackman , Jacob , Jacobsen , James , Jarratt , Jenkins , Johnson , Jones , Judd , Junsen
Kabel, Katharina Gomper , Kauffler , Kebler , Killough , King , King , Kinney , Kipfer , Kirschner , Kuester , Kuntzi
Lamb, Lammers , Lane , Langford , Langley , Lauder , Lee , Lee , Leighton , Lewis , Lewis , Lewis , Leyland , Lier , Lisgen , Littlefield , Lochmann , Long , Longbotham , Lopp , Lord , Low , Luckin , Lyford , Lyngwood
MacNeil, MacRae , Malster , Manhard , Margreth , Maria , Marsh , Matheny , Mawd , McKnitt , Mcquire , Medcalf , Meke , Metz , Meyer , Miller , Mitchell , Mobley , Mondey , Montgomery , Moore , Moore , Moore , Morton , Muller , Mullica , Munro , Mutton , Myers , Müller , Müller
Nahm, Narr , Nealtie , Negusse , Newman , Nicholls , Nicholson , Noble , Norfleet , Nortwein , Nottingham , Näf
Oakley, Ollyver , Orrell , Owen
Page, Panton , Panton , Parker , Parker , Parr , Patche , Peacock , Pecker , Peeler , Pemberton , Penfound , Penny , Perkins , Perley , Peterson , Petri , Pierce , Pierson , Pierson , Pinnell , Pisor , Pitts , Plocher , Plomer , Pomeroy , Possert , Post , Powell , Powyes , Poynter , Pratt , Pride , Priest , Probst , Probst , Pugsley , Purden
Ratliff, Rayle , Reed , Reed , Reifwein , Reith , Remagen , Remagen , Remick , Remishe , Remsching , Rentschler , Rice , Rice , Richardson , Richford , Riddick , Riland , Rimpler , Ringger , Risch , Roan , Robbins , Roberts , Robinson , Rockefeller , Rodgers , Rodich , Roger , Rogers , Rolfe , Rolles , Rosina , Rowley , Ruffner , Rushall , Russerin
Sanderson, Saunders , Sawyer , Schaeublin , Schaffer , Scheill , Schelhorn , Schleiffer , Schnebelli , Schneider , Schock , Schweikhardt , Schäffer , Scott , Seeley , Selby , Seward , Seymour , Shaler , Shatswell , Shattwel , Shaw , Shepard , Shepard , Sherwood , Silver , Simon , Slee , Small , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smyth , Snell , Sorensen , Speight , Stabell , Stacy , Stagard , Stanborough , Stanford , Stanford , Stanley , Staples , Steel , Steele , Stevens , Stevens , Steward , Stewart , Stotz , Straker , Strebel , Strebel , Strong , Sturley , Suss , Suter , Suter , Swanson , Swett , Swift , Sybill , Syforde
Tarpley, Taylor , Taylor , Templar , Thommen , Tishunt , Tongue , Trafton , Tredwell , Treichler , Tschantz , Turner , Twitchell , Twyne
Upson, Urdde , Uredge
Van Dyke, VanGundy , Vardeman , Verchill , Vinton , Vollenweider
Wadsworth, Wagner , Wagner , Wagner , Wagner , Waite , Wakefield , Wakefield , Wallace , Wallace , Wallace , Wallace , Walser , Ward , Ward , Warrender , Watkins , Watson , Watsone , Webber , Weber , Weber , Weber , Webster , Weck , Weilmuenster , Welles , Wells , Wells , Welton , Wenger , Wessel , Weston , Whateley , Wheeler , Wheeler , White , White , White , White , Whittier , Whitton , Wilcox , Wilcox , Wilkins , Wilkinson , Williams , Williams , Williams , Williams , Williamson , Willis , Wilson , Wilson , Wine , Wineyer , Winslow , Winsofer , Withers , Wolf , Wolfe , Wolverton , Woodhall , Woodmansey , Woodruff , Woodward , Worcester , Worden , Wright , Wurm , Wynslade , Wäber
Young, Young , Younts

DNA Cousins

  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by an AncestryDNA test match between Chase Clift and his second cousin NW. Their most-recent common ancestors are their great grandparents, Robert Graham Wagner Sr. and Eva Elizabeth Riland. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd Cousins, based on sharing 227 cM across 13 segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
  • Maternal relationships are both confirmed by an autosomal GEDmatch comparison between Chase Clift , GEDmatch kit # AL8270600, and Living Denune, GEDmatch kit # GB7151136, his 1st cousin 3x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are John Denune and Fannie Ferris, the 3x great grandparents of Chase Clift and grandparents of Living Denune. Predicted relationship from GEDmatch: 23andMe, based on sharing 86.7 cM across 6 segments.


  • First-hand information. Entered by Chase Clift at registration.
  • "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 5 December 2014), William Henry Clift Jr. in entry for Chase Cole Clift, 15 Mar 1993; from "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database and images, Ancestry ( : 2005); citing Texas Department of State Health Services.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Chase's formal name
  • full middle name (C.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (2)
  • private siblings' names
For access to Chase Clift's full information you must be on Chase's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Chase: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 10

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Talked to my cousin, Dr David Denune MD today. He is son of Wilber Denune, son of perry denune, son of John Baughman Denune. He, like my sister, are working on a book of family memories. Anyway, David said he tried to join the Mayflower society (Deagory Priest) and though Ethel and Ina Denune were members years ago, they were rejecting some old proofs (Matilda Bancroft). WHen I get their letter to him, I'll send a scan, and send to you.
posted by John Denune
Interesting, I'll do some investigating myself. That sounds great, eventually I'd like to get a book of sorts together as well.

Did both you and your dad do DNA tests?

posted by Chase Clift
edited by Chase Clift
Dad did a dna test, 23 and me. I need to figure out how to upload it. I should get one myself. I really appreciate your work on the Scottish Denune line going back from Minister William Denune, and whenever and where ever it's published, I want to purchase a copy.
posted by John Denune
I'm beginning to understand wikitree and adding a few recent relatives to make it easy for them to link to the enormous work you have already done. 100+ years ago, my great aunt, Ethel Denune Young (sister of Elias Denune, father of Elias Earl Denune, Jr) began her work on our family. She initially thought Denune was a French name. Later she joined the Mayflower society, and Wurtz Magna Charta society. Her name is listed on his old (1940's) series of books as a descendant of every Surety. I managed to figure out all but deHuntingfield, and Mowbray (if I remember right). Rod Stuart, author of Royalty for commoners (the complete known lineage of John of Gaunt, son of Ed III) was a friend of mine, sharing a common interest in tuberculosis Christmas Seal collecting. He was the editor of Seal News, journal of the Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society for several years before he passed away. His last edition goes into Egyptian pharos, who may have had great records, but I have to wonder... Anyway, Just for fun, I added you as a Life member to
posted by John Denune
Good to see you on WikiTree! There's still much that I have to publish and am continuing my research into our Denune connexions. My most recent work has been on Rev. William Denune's profile, which has been fascinating. Further research has yielded some valuable sources, and I can't tell you how excited I am to get through the information and publish it. In many ways I've been building on the research that you have shared on your website. There are several Magna Charta lines that are under development & verification here on WikiTree, and I have found some of Ethel's research. Long term, my plan is to bring connexions to the present day. I look forward to collaborating and developing our common connexions & ancestry!
posted by Chase Clift

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Chase is 25 degrees from Prince Nelson, 21 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 19 degrees from Garth Brooks, 30 degrees from Chubby Checker, 26 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 20 degrees from Dusty Hill, 31 degrees from Whitney Houston, 21 degrees from Mick Jagger, 22 degrees from Paul McCartney, 19 degrees from Tom Petty, 20 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 24 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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Categories: Austin, Texas