Lucia Cocozza was born on 29 Oct 1895 in San Biagio Saracinisco, Italy. She came with her father Alessandro and brother Gerardo from Italy to Göteborg in Sweden on January 23, 1924. The family lived in Göteborg Masthugg församling 1924-1926.[1]
Lucia died on 11 Jul 1963 in Stockholm, Sweden aged 67.
Married February 19, 1925. [Source: Sveriges Dödbok 1947-2006 (CD)]
↑ Alessando Cocozza household in Göteborg 1924-1926: Göteborgs Masthuggs församlings kyrkoarkiv, Församlingsböcker, SE/GLA/15467/A II a/15 (1923-1939), bildid: 00065752_00052, sida 2848
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