Captain Ezekiel Colby Sr served with Vermont Republic Militia during the American Revolution.
Ezekiel Colby Sr is a DAR Patriot Ancestor, A024045.
Ezekiel Colby Sr is an NSSAR Patriot Ancestor. NSSAR Ancestor #: 136046 Rank: Captain
Capt. Ezekiel COLBY was born on 15 July 1739 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts[1]. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He was baptized on 22 Jul 1739 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Corinth, Orange County, Vermont. (family of 5.) He died on 7 Dec 1791 at Corinth, Orange County, Vermont. He has Ancestral File Number BPC0-5R.
Captain Ezekiel Colby is described as a yeoman from Newbury who bought his first land in Corinth, Vt from Col. John Taplin on 1 September 1775, one hundred acres for thirty pounds (lot 35 on town plan dated 1790, on what was known as the South Meadow, later to be known as the Elwin Hastings farm). Ezekiel Colby later sold that property to Hezekiah Silloway for three hundred pounds. Ezekiel used the title 'gentleman' on the contract of sale.
Zadock Thompson's "I Gazetteer of Vermont" I (1824) states that the first men to locate in Corenth, Vt were three sugar makers who came over from Newbury, Vt viz: Ezekiel Colby, John Nutting and John Armond, sent by Col. John Taplin in the spring of 1777 to spend several weeks manufacturing maple sugar. Each carried a five pail kettle (yes - that is what they are called.) as they traveled the twelve miles through the woods, guided by a pocket compass. They joined a number of others who were also making sugar in Corinth, including Ezekiel's future son-in-law Joshua Davis.
Nathan Colby and Hannah Worthen.
Research Notes
To research/verify:
Captain in the Revolutionary War - Captain of Scouts, Town of Corinth as per DAR Ancestor #: A024045 (link above)
The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.
Weis, Frederick Lewis. The Colby Family in Early America. Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.
Wells, Prederic P. History of Newbury, Vermont, From the Discovery of the Coos Country to Present Time, In Behalf of the Town (1902)
Source: S781926933 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.Ancestry Family Tree Ancestry Family Tree: #72750903
Source: S638424910 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.Ancestry Family Tree Ancestry Family Tree: #162735164
Source: S638988254 Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Publication: Operations, Inc. Record Collection 9289
"Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001", , FamilySearch
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