Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 1 Jun 2017 | 3,132 contributions | 178 thank-yous | 1,084 connections
Claudia J. Scarbrough formerly Collette
Born 1940s.
Ancestors ancestors
[children unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Claudia Scarbrough private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 15 May 2017
This page has been accessed 4,486 times.
Image of US 5 dollar gold coin (obverse) commemorating Jamestowne's 400th Anniversary
Claudia's ancestor Thomas Graves, a Qualifying Ancestor is a Jamestowne Society Qualifying Ancestor.
Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough is a descendant of Mayflower Passenger Elinor unknown Billington Armstrong. husband and son.
Descendant of PGM migrant Michael Bacon .
Descendant of PGM migrant Peter Bulkeley and to Magna Carta Baron .
Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough Participated in the 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.

Connecting Challenge Stickers Sourceathon 2021 # 567

My goal is to follow all my ancestors to their immigration. My family came here to Jamestown and Plymouth. This goal is pretty much done. We have 305 unique ancestors and 70 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 15 generations who meet the American Immigrants list criteria on WikiTree Connections. Oh, how I love WikiTree.

So far I have not found my family entering this country later than mid-1700s. All here before the Revolutionary War.

At least one of my lines goes back to royalty and Magna Carta Sureties. I will do those later.



Born as the bugle sounded to wake the soldiers at Fort McPherson Army Base, Atlanta, GA, according to the people who were there. [1]

My birth is second-hand information because my memory of the event is faulty.

Three ancestors came to America on the Mayflower. John Billington, his wife, Elinor and their son, Francis. I am finishing up my application for the Mayflower Society and I am going in under Elinor.


HEY COUSINS According to WikiTree, here are some of my, and maybe your, relatives who immigrated to America

Direct Collette/Eddy Line

Mayflower Passengers

|passengerName=John Billington
|passengerName=Elinor Unknown Armstrong
|passengerName=Francis Billington
- Christiana Penn-8, arrived 1623, Plymouth Colony, m Francis Billington
- John Whitney-126, arrived 1635 to Massachusetts, with Ellen (Elinor) Unknown-13431 and children
- William Hunt-80, his wife, Elizabeth Best-11 and 3 children arrived 1635, Massachusetts
- Thomas Tarbell-14, arrived 1644, Watertown, MA
- Valentine Wightman-153, arrived Rhode Island

Direct Ellis/Blair Line

- Thomas Gray(e)-688, arrived 1st 1608, Virginia, and Margaret Annis-145, arrived 1623, with Jone (or Jane) Gray-6144 and brother William, Jamestown, Virginia
- Roger Williams -934, arrived 1631, Salem, then Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1636 he established Rhode Island. A notable person.
- Thomas Sprigg-16, arrived 1st 1634, Virginia
- Matthew Howard-8458, arrived 1635, Virginia
- Robert Middleton-406, arrived 1653, Virginia; arrived 1671, Maryland
- Gregory Stone-178, arrived 1654, Virginia
- Reynard Anderson-22645, arrived 1654, Virginia
- John Baggerly-45, arrived 1746, in Baltimore, MD with his wife, Mary Middleton-1494, and 10 children including Benjamin Baggerly-58

Our family is related to 13 Magna Carta Barons directly, plus 3 uncertain.

Our family is related to Royalty in England, France, Germany, Scotland, and Ireland,

Direct line to Charlemagne Carolingian-77, 34th great grandfather. Notable. Wikitree says there are "At least 100,000 different paths were found between Claudia and Charlemagne." [2]

This link includes royalty, Magna Carta Barons, immigrants, famous folk and simple folk. We know how some of our ancestors impacted the history of the world they lived in. What a privilege to know.

May only be of interest to me

Of the 21Mayflower passengers, besides my Billingtons, one I couldn't find, James Clinton-1, Henry Samson-27 is a 6th cousin 11 times removed who went south and is related to my mother's family and the other 19 are all related to me by marriage and all ancestors of my Vermont family. No one else I can turn into Mayflower Society membership but I already have 3. Just wondering.

After due consideration, I have decided to stop identifying my immigrants here on my profile because we have 305 unique ancestors and 70 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 15 generations who meet the American Immigrants list criteria on WikiTree Connections. Oh, how I love WikiTree.


  1. Certificate of Birth. Vital Records Service, Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia. Registrar's number: 1285. January 16, 1943. Station Hospital, Fort McPherson, Georgia. Claudia Janette Collette.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Claudia's formal name
  • full middle name (J.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • personal memories about Claudia (1)
  • images (1)
  • private siblings' names
For access to Claudia Scarbrough's full information you must be on Claudia's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Claudia: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 61

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With only one week left for registration for this month’s Connect-a-thon, I wanted to remind you of sign-ups. If there is any possibility you will do any, even one person, please sign up. If life keeps you from it, no harm, no foul. If you do not register however, you will not be able to work with the team. Here is the registration link:
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Registration has begun for the July thon. Remember to look for the Legacy Heirs’ section and post in there. Here is the link:
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
The annual Source-a-thon is coming up. It will be from September 29th to October 2nd.

Registration has begun!! I would be so blessed if you go to: Register now for the 2023 Source-a-Thon! - WikiTree G2G and answer that you are in and are a Legacy Heir!!!!

posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
July 2023 Thon Registration Time. Here is the link: Have you registered for the July 2023 Connect-a-Thon yet? - WikiTree G2G
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
That time has rolled around again! Connect-A-Thon registration starts today.

Here is the registration page link: Have you registered for the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon yet? - WikiTree G2G

Hope to see you there.

posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Thank you for participating in the 2022 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us reach 161,603 profiles! We’re going for 250,000 profiles in 2023!

We’ve started the January challenge here: January Connecting Challenge.

You can see your 2022 total and your all time 2021-2022 total on our tracking spreadsheet.


Connect-a-Thon!! It is registration time again. January’s thon will be a connect-a-thon to bring us all together for the new year. It will start on 13 Jan 2023 and 72 hours later, on 16 Jan 2023, it will be a great memory. I hope to see that you are doing well and want to join the rest of the Legacy Heirs who will be there. Registration link is here:`
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Hi, cousin,

I just wanted to say that I am proud of you. You have done a tremendous amount of work. I am just looking for information. I will do more appropriate research later. I get a kick out of seeing the %s for the DNA. We are listed together on a lot of pages. You are fantastic. Kathy Wright

How dear of you. It is a work of love, and I appreciate your help.
Registration for the Source-A-Thon has started. The thon will start 30 Sep 2022 and, as always, run for 72 hours, ending on October 3rd. I hope to have you with me for the Legacy Heirs team. I will understand though if it will not work out. Register so I can put you on the team roster. Here is the Registration Link:
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Thank you for joining the June USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create almost 6000 new profiles! Our new total is 126903. We have less than 24,000 to our 2022 goal!
25 Profiles
Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough created 27 new profiles during the August 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Hey hun,

Thank you so much for being a Legacy Heir and being in the Connect-A -Thon. I hope to see you for the Source-A-Thon in October.

posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Claudia, Thank you for joining the June USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3238 new profiles. Our new total is 113066. We have less than 37000 to our 2022 goal!

All first-time participants can add the participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers


Hi there Hun,

Registration for the July Thon has started. It is going to be a connect-a-thon for the year of connections. The thon will start 15 Jul 2022 and, as always, run for 72 hours. I hope to have you with me for the Legacy Heirs team. I will understand though if it will not work out. Register so I can put you on the team roster. Here is the Registration Link:

posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
I appreciate you being a Legacy Heir. Thank you for signing up for the April Connect-a-thon. I hope to “see” you for the Connect-a-thon in July and the Source-a-thon in October!
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Hi there Hun,

Registration for the April Thon has started. It is going to be a connect-a-thon for the year of connections. The thon will start 22 Apr 2022 and, as always, run for 72 hours. I hope to have you with me for the Legacy Heirs team. I will understand though if it will not work out. Register so I can put you on the team roster. Here is the Registration Link:

posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Heh, Lisa, You got me on Mar 25 when Kelsey-745 answered my registration question. Still with ya. Looking forward.
OOOOps! LOL sorry I do not know what I was thinking. Glad you are on the team.
posted by Lisa (Kelsey) Murphy
Things happen. I am preparing by looking for siblings that I haven't put into WikiTree so I won't be spacy when the time comes. There are quite a few.
Hi Claudia. Being on the Blair watch list I was drawn to your question on Blair-2636. I have a brick wall at my 3x g-grandfather, John Blair (Blair-9980), that I have been stuck on for a long, long time. My John Blair was born about 1785 in Georgia, according to most records, and moved to Kentucky and then Indiana. Anyway, I find I have some DNA matches with the couple of other people on the profile for Middleton Blair, some small but numerous, and on another over 10 cM. Leads me to wonder if there may be a connection there. My gedmatch is FC8645048 and I'm on Ancestry. On another note, I'm also a descendant of Roger Williams, through two lines, I believe.
posted by Jennifer Campbell
Heh, we must be cousins of some kind. Nice to meet cha.

Your ancestor is not in my database but I took the liberty of formatting your data to make it easier for others to read. Someone may know. If you would prefer as it was, please go to change and change it back. No problem.

I couldn't find my gggm for 14 years and by chance someone had recently placed a book in the Georgia Archives with her grave info. Hallelujah. Have you been to the Georgia Archives in Griffin? It is well worth the trip.

I have done genealogy for more than 30 years, have ancestry and Family Tree Maker. Been on WikiTree off and on for 5 years but still feel like I am learning. All the best to you.

No, I have never done ancestry research in Georgia. As far as I've seen he's the only ancestor I have with Georgia connections. My brother and I have just been trying to get new clues through DNA and found the matches interesting. More detective work to do! My mother's side was all the Puritan New England ancestors, like you I descend from Roger Williams and likely a Mayflower passenger back there and many early settlers. It's my paternal grandmother's line that's the southern line, back to Jamestown, and leaves all of the genealogical mysteries.
posted by Jennifer Campbell
Hi Claudia I saw today added MAGNA_CARTA to your profile.

myself is conneted to 23 I found that we are 8th cousins...nice to meet you. warm gettings Scott

posted by Scott Wessel
I am connected to 16. So glad to find another cousin. This cite is fabulous that we can find such. All the best.
Hi Claudia,

I sent a private message to you regarding adoption of Billington-8. If you don't find it in your email inbox, please check your spam box, too.

Mayflower Project co-Leader
posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Bobbie, is there a time limit to get the profile analyzed? I have Parkinson's that has decided to act up. My cognitive abilities are diminished causing me to doubt my judgement while attempting to proceed with the project. My symptoms come and go. If there is plenty of time, I would like to continue as I am able. If time is a factor, or for any other reason, I request that you replace me. So sorry.
posted by Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough
edited by Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough
No time limit at all, Claudia! We're just happy to have folks willing to step forward to take care of some of these profiles. As Anne says:
The ultimate goal of the Mayflower Project is to have well written profile biographies using Mayflower Society sources, supplemented by primary and reliable secondary sources. Example: Billington-69 I've added the checklist that [we] have been using when we update a profile thoroughly. When you work on the profile, keep the checklist in mind and if you feel you've completed it and are ready for a final check, let Bobbie or I know and we'll do our final sweep. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to check with either/both of us.

Many thanks for your help!

posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Could you suggest a form for the biography that is pleasing and chatty but acceptable. I don't prefer the outline format.


A basic Register style often works well. A biography that tells us, roughly chronologically, what their life was like, followed by a children's list. The key to it is sources, sources, sources ... Write a sentence, give us a source citation. If you can't do inline citations, let me know and we'll have a little crash course.

Billington-69 is just one example, but shows lots of good source material.

posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Hello Claudia. My great grandfather was George Washington Ellis. My mother was Sarah Pate. She used to tell me wonderful stories of her grandparents.
posted by Martha Eubanks
So great to connect. Got any stories you might share or pictures to add to any of the profiles? The Ellis's have a very distinguished history.
posted by Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough
edited by Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough
Martha, I think I added your Aunt Sarah, dau of George and Tallulah. Your grandparents are my Aunt Rosa Lee and Uncle Pate. Correct? Will add now. Got to thinking the dates don't mesh. Oh well. Will try again.
Hey Cuz, anything going on with you recently? I have been working on our immigrants and I have some listed on my profile that might interest you.

Wishing you well.

Hello cousin Claudia,

It's nice to meet another High family descendant online through WikiTree.


James High

posted by Troy High
Hi Cuz, good to meet you. My last High was Tallulah who married George Washington Ellis in Alabama.
Do you have any stories or pictures to add to the High family profiles? They are so useful to humanize our family.
Hey Cuz, anything going on with you recently? I have been working on our immigrants and I have some listed on my profile that might interest you.

Wishing you well.

Hi, Claudia, it's been a long time since we last talked!

This is just a courtesy email to share the After Adopting Orphans FAQ which explains the special attention adopted profiles will sometimes need from their profile managers. One quick way to find the profiles you adopted is by searching your Contributions List for the words "adopted" and "manager." You can find a quick link to your Contributions List in the My WikiTree dropdown menu.

Let me know if you have any questions,


posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag

I just looked at your tree. Mama was born in Chambers County, Ala. Yes, we are descended from J. J. High. LIfe is funny. She used to talk about her cousin, Tulula George High. I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw J.J. High and Tulula on your tree. That is something!!! I will need to tell my sister tomorrow. Her DNA is like mother's. Kathy

Super, Cuz. Do you remember anything your Mama said about my grandmother?
I am sorry, but I don't. Tell me how they are connected, please. Mama went to Auburn for college one year, and stayed to work in the Admin. Office during the WW II. She and Dad married in Auburn, then moved to Texas. We were out here away from everything. Being the fourth, my memories of my grandfather are nil, and not much of Nanny. But I do remember that she always had banana bread ready for us when we came. Aunt Lena (High) Brazell, always had chocolate cake on the sideboard. I spent six weeks with them when I was ten. I learned about the farm, and my younger brother learned how to ring a chicken's neck. He was six, and thought it was great. My Aunt Kathleen was the home economics teacher at the school. She taught the 4H group with my cousin. We learned to sew at the school Home economics classroom. That's all for now. Kathy (Atherton) Wright
Pretty sure that the consensus regarding Matthew Howard's parentage, is that it is unknown. Thus, we don't know if he did, or did not descend from royalty.
posted by Donald Howard
I've just posted the August Quakers Challenge thread in G2G. Please comment in that thread if you have questions.



posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Claudia, I would say there are definitely enough sources on Eleanor Parke's profile to add the Quakers Sticker. To do that, add the following code below the =Biography= heading in the edit box:

{{ Quakers Sticker }}

Then save the changes. Next time you look at the profile, the sticker will appear in the Biography section.

To earn the July Quakers Challenge sticker for your profile, you will need to add that same code to another profile that has sources which indicate they were a member of the Religious Society of Friends.


posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Removing the tag
This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.
will take the profile out of limbo.

(I removed it for you on the profile in question...)

posted by Hans Hofmann
What tag are you referring to? Thanks.
Claudia, Many thanks for the G2G questions on length of profiles. I'm with you, massive amts of documentation . . . but don't want to NOT use it. LOL! Barbara
posted by [Living Breece]
The MM categories that you add now wouldn't count toward September's challenge. You would still be able to participate if you wanted to add categories to profiles other than your own.
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Thanks for the reminder, Claudia. The July Quakers Challenge is now live at G2G July 2018 Quakers Challenge.


P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Hi Claudia,

Yes, it’s true. I am sorry to say that Matthew Howard is not descended from English nobility. Thanks so much for your note!


posted by Paula J
Thomas Blair - Leticia "Letty" Fanning

Thomas Blair was born at of North Carolina Abt 1748. He married Leticia "Letty" Fanning 28 Nov 1791 at Caswell, North Carolina . Leticia "Letty" Fanning was born at of North Carolina Abt 1750 daughter of Bryan Fanning and Elizabeth Middleton .

Thomas BLAIR Birth: Abt 1748of North Carolina Marriage: 28 Nov 1791Caswell, North Carolina Father: Mother: Leticia "Letty" FANNING Birth: Abt 1750of North Carolina Father: Bryan FANNING Mother: Elizabeth MIDDLETON

posted by Kathy Blair
Thank you for joining the Mayflower Project. I see by the comments on your profile that you have made a good start on your research. There are resources on g2g which you may find helpful. Becky Syphers

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Claudia is 23 degrees from Prince Nelson, 19 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 19 degrees from Garth Brooks, 30 degrees from Chubby Checker, 23 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 17 degrees from Dusty Hill, 30 degrees from Whitney Houston, 20 degrees from Mick Jagger, 22 degrees from Paul McCartney, 18 degrees from Tom Petty, 19 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 20 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

C  >  Collette  |  S  >  Scarbrough  >  Claudia (Collette) Scarbrough

Categories: Mayflower Descendants on WikiTree