Robyn (Conrad) Adair
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Robyn (Conrad) Adair

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 8 Feb 2014 | 11,158 contributions | 260 thank-yous | 1,386 connections

I move around a bit when working on my family's genealogy and don't always stay in one area for overly long periods of time. I'm interested in Colonial Northampton Co, VA - the Tilney-Floyd-Dixon lines, and I'm especially looking for colonial record-proof of Samuel Floyd's marriage to Susan Dixon. I have recently been working on my husband's Adair lines still looking for the origin of William Adair of Wilkes Co, GA. His YDNA has not led to any ancestors we don't already know. On my father's side, I'm always deep in Norwegian ancestry and usually join the Nordic Noirs for the ConnectAThons.
Robyn H. Adair formerly Conrad
Ancestors ancestors
[children unknown]
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Profile last modified | Created 8 Feb 2014
This page has been accessed 3,390 times.


Daughters of the American Revolution
Robyn (Conrad) Adair is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Robyn (Conrad) Adair participated with Nordic Noir during the 2022 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 5 previously unsourced profiles.
Robyn (Conrad) Adair competed with the Charming Chestnuts in the 2023 WikiGames.
Robyn (Conrad) Adair Won Team Gold in the Cross-Country Connecting in the 2023 WikiGames.
Robyn (Conrad) Adair participated with Nordic Noir during the 2023 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 15 previously unsourced profiles.
Robyn (Conrad) Adair participated with The Nordic Noir during the Jan 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added 25 connections.
Robyn (Conrad) Adair participated with The Nordic Noir during the Apr 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added 21 connections.
Robyn (Conrad) Adair participated with The Nordic Noir during the Jul 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added 27 connections.

  • On my mother's side, the lines go back to Jamestowne, Virginia and John Fisher. In her maternal lines some of the names are Fisher, Floyd, Blackshear, Hamilton, Hazzard, Thweatt, Matthews, Collins, Fendin and Waight. On her paternal side the names are Williams, Duggar, Harvey, Goff, Eltonhead, Thacker and Elkins.
  • John Fisher is a Gateway Ancestor from Maidstone, Kent and answered the 1619 Visitation of Kent at age 16. By 1624 he was in Virginia and answered the 1624 /5 muster. He came to the New World with his cousin William Epes to manage Epes' holdings for him. His lines through his mother, Benetta Dering, go back to Edward III et al, including direct connections to 15 of the possible 17 lines to Magna Carta Barons. He's a 1st cousin to the remaining two. He also descends from King John, and 8 of his 16 Illustrious Men also named in the Magna Carta. Through Gateway Ancestor Martha Eltonhead more ancestors lead to some of the same Magna Carta Barons and King John.
  • Most of my mother's lines are from Virginia, North/South Carolina and Georgia. A few, like the Blackshear (Blackshaw) lines started in the north (New Jersey, Delaware) and quickly migrated down south in the early to mid 1700s.
  • On my father's side I'm a 2nd generation American. My grandparents were from Norway. My paternal great-grandparents and children immigrated from Vikna, Nord-Trøndelag where they owned Buø Farm on a small island off larger Yttre Vikna Island. My maternal great-grandparents were from Land, Oppland and Vang/Ringsager Hedmark. I spend a lot of my research time browsing Norwegian church, land and probate records on the Norway DigitalArkivet. One of the lines weaves into the Blix ancestral lines and goes back to Godred Crovan, Norse-Gael King of Dublin and the Isles and the Jarl of Orkney.


  • First-hand information entered by Robyn Conrad Adair at registration. I am married with 2 children and 3 grandchildren.

For family Interest

  • The Vikings:
Godred Crovan King of Man and the Isles - my 27 GGf. Also Godred Crovan's bio on Wikipedia.
Note: One of his ancestors is my oldest known ancestor - Gaut/ "Göte" b. in Scandinavia c570 - 41 GGf
Thorfinn Sigurdsson the Jarl of Orkney - my 29 GGf.
Haraldr Vladimirovich - my 25 GGf.
  • The English, French et al
Charlemagne, King of the Franks 33 GGf.
Guillaume, Duke of Normandy 26 GGf
Magna Carta Barons and the Illustrious Men. I am directly descended from all 17 Barons (the other 8 apparently have no known descendants), to King John and 10 of his 16 Illustrious Men! (I'm only indirectly related to the other 4 - cousins - and not related to 2 at all.)
  • American Gateway Ancestors that lead to Magna Carta Barons and beyond:
John Fisher - 10 GGf.
Martha Eltonhead (Conway) - 9 GGm.
John Blackshaw - 8 GGf and his wife Maude Barlowe (Blackshaw) - 8 GGm.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Robyn's formal name
  • full middle name (H.)
  • e-mail address
  • birth location
  • images (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Robyn Adair's full information you must be on Robyn's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Robyn:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Robyn (Conrad) Adair: AncestryDNA, Ancestry member robynadair
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 30

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Hi Robyn, I hope 2024 has been a good year for you :) Here is the link to the newest G2G question: US Civil War December 2024/January 2025 Newletter. You'll find several links there. Also, just for fun, you might like to share a family tradition or favorite recipe with the group :)

May you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi Robyn, the US Civil War Project is conducting a Check-in for 2024 to see if your still interested/active in the Project.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you. You can click the reply button or message me with your answer. Thank you. Pam Kreutzer, leader of the US Civil War Project

posted by Pam Kreutzer's one of the projects i work on during the year. I post Confederate military records to soldiers I'm working on.
posted by Robyn (Conrad) Adair
Hi Robyn, thank you for remaining in the project, I'll mark you active. Pam
posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi Robyn,

Thank you for being part of the Charming Chestnuts team this weekend. One of our Olympians, Leon Tuck, was the #1 Olympian, and our team won a bronze medal, a silver medal, and a gold medal, and achieved first place overall! I hope you enjoyed participating in the events. ~ Star

posted by Star Kline
Hi, here's a link to a US Civil War Project Challenge you might be interested in:
posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi Robyn, I just wanted to thank you for all the work you've done to improve the US Civil War Between the States Project. I'm doing a check-in with all project members and wanted to verify that you're still interested in being a member of the project. Also, any suggestions for the Project would be welcome. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

P Kreutzer, US Civil War Between the States Project Leader.

posted by Pam Kreutzer
I'm still working on identifying soldiers in my lines as well as my husband's and I have posted stickers as I go along. Do you know if there is a sticker for us (the homepage person) signifying membership in a CW lineage society? I have posted my DAR sticker on my homepage, but wondered if there was one for UDC? Robyn (conrad-790)
posted by Robyn (Conrad) Adair
Robyn I referred your question to Mary Richardson, she is the coordinator for Civil War Project and is familiar with stickers. Thank you for being in the project.
posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi Robyn I put in a G2G question, to see if enough people would be interested in a sticker. I put in two different suggestions for how it could look: Flag (like what's on Project page) _______is a US Civil War Descendant - OR - Flag ___________has US Civil War Ancestors.
posted by Pam Kreutzer
I wish someone could work on this like they have for DAR. I belong to quite a few societies and we're always looking for other descendants to join. A sticker for the various groups would be a great eye-catcher on a profile page....Dau of 1812, DAC, Colonial Dames etc. I suppose permission has to be obtained to use the correct logo, but I could at least inquire about that to the ones I belong to.
posted by Robyn (Conrad) Adair
If you find out something, put it on the G2G, tag with sticker, Civil War, 1812, etc whatever projects your hoping to get stickers from. From what I've read there has to be some desire from members to have a new sticker made. Pam
posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hello and welcome to the American Revolutionary War (1776) Project.  At the project home page you can find useful information about the project:

Revolutionary War (1776) Project

We use Google Groups for Project communication: and

Please let us know if you have any questions! 

Mary - 1776 Project Coordinator

posted by Mary Richardson

This is interesting. I just acquired original "Matthews" and associated genealogy documents, in early 2019, that came with an original hard cover book of "Blacksheariana--Genealogy, History, Anecdotes," by Perry Lynnfield Blackshear, Sr., copyright 1954, published in Atlanta, Georgia.

Our family paternal ancestry goes back to John Blackshaw, born 1505, in Withington (renamed "Lower Withington"), in city of "Chester," County of "Cheshire." There is a "Visitation of Cheshire, 1613" that was done in England "Blackshaw, of Adlington" page 27. See link:

Our family maternal ancestry goes back to Norway, born in Tranoy, Norway.

I hope that we will be able to share information, when the time is appropriate for us both.

Take care.

posted by A. (Oltmann) Blacksher
Hi Robin.

No relation that I know of. Just showing our appreciation for the contributions to WikiTree :)

Have a great day! Shannon WikiTree Appreciation Team

Thank you for your contributions last month!!

Shannon Appreciation Project

Hi Robyn,

Thanks for having a Big Heart and adopting Orphan Profiles. You will want to read this After adopting orphans to understand what to do next.


posted by David Selman
Hi, Robyn!

Thanks for your follow-up note re: John Fendin's will. If you have a scan of one of the pages, that would be an excellent addition to his profile. The link to Ancestry could be helpful to some people, so it wouldn't hurt to put it on there, as well. :-)

Happy WikiTreeing!


Hi Robyn,

Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!

Because pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within the projects which coordinate them is essential. Liz suggested the US Southern Colonies Project. You could also use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find one which best fits your research focus. Review the project pages to learn how to collaborate with the project members.

Can't find what you're looking for? Let me know, and I can make some suggestions! :-)

Debi ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

PS If you get a "Page Not Found" error when clicking WikiTree email links, you can often find a working version in the public comments on your profile.

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
sorry. ran out of room.


I was at General Convention too! I had a sales table for a couple days - selling Christmas ornaments as a Manassas Chapter fundraiser. I was beside the Florida chapter doing fundraising for the statue of Old Joe.

Cheers, Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
ah - if you're asking about descendants of Fisher, they are not within the scope of the Magna Carta project, which is between Gateway and Surety Baron. The Descendant categories are for those profiles that have been reviewed/approved by the Magna Carta project as being in a badged trail from that Surety Baron.

If you're looking for a project that covers Fisher descendants, you might try the US Southern Colonies project. He's Virginia, and with recent changes, the Virginia Project is no longer strictly post-USA, but it is primarily post-USA (and it doesn't work the same as the Magna Carta Project. . . we're not actively going out and developing/sourcing any particular families). However, we are active in the thons, and the Team Virginia Source-a-Thon pages might have some useful info...

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Hi! To find Fisher's WikiTree trail that WikiTree's Magna Carta project has reviewed/approved follow the "Magna Carta badge" - open both parents' profiles & repeat on the one with the project's seal (aka "project box", but the project refers to these profiles as being badged/in a badged trail). It is often a different trail than the one returned by WikiTree's Special:Relationship. The trail goes to Brent-21, whose mother is the daughter of Berkeley-534, whose parents are Thomas & Elizabeth (Neville) Berkeley, who are both badged. Thomas (Berkeley-335) is badged only to Quincy-226, and Special:Relationship returns a badged trail between those two profiles.

Cheers, Liz

P.S. Yup - Manassas Chapter #175, Virginia Division, UDC. You?

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
HI Robyn, Thank you for the information on Iver and Anna. Their profiles are open so feel free to add any information and sources that you have for the family. Also to add profiles for the children that I didn't include for them. Thanks, Patt
posted by Patricia Roche

Australian Connections: Robyn is 19 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 23 degrees from Russell Crowe, 21 degrees from Howard Florey, 28 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 34 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 27 degrees from Barry Humphries, 25 degrees from Bert Jacka, 30 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 24 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 19 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 22 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 19 degrees from Henry Ross on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

C  >  Conrad  |  A  >  Adair  >  Robyn (Conrad) Adair