Katie (Cooper) Bryant visited # nations including ---- and ---- on the 15 Nations Global Tour Challenge.
First-hand information. Entered by K Cooper at registration.
DNA-Maternal: Mother/child relationship is confirmed by a GEDmatch test match between Katie Bryant GEDmatch A795918 and her mother Barbara (Krick) Cooper GEDmatch AC7713046. Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 1.0, based on sharing 3572 cM.
DNA-Paternal:* Paternal relationship is confirmed by a 23andMe test match between Katie Bryant and her 2nd cousin G.B. Their most-recent common ancestors are William Cooper (1860-1938) and Mary Jane (Wright) Cooper (1865-1921), their great-grandparents. Predicted relationship from 23andMe: Second Cousin, based on sharing 264 cM across 9 segments.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Katie's formal name
full middle name (R.)
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
images (1)
spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Katie Bryant's full information you must be on Katie's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Katie:
Thank you for joining Team Roses and helping us grow the Tree during the January 2025 Connect-A-Thon! Together as a team, we created 3,533 new profiles and many new connections to existing profiles. Collectively, all of WikiTree passed the 100,000 mark for the first time! I can’t wait for April to roll around so we can do it again. I hope you’ll be able to attend.
Katie (Cooper) Bryant participated with Team Roses during the January 2025 Connect-a-Thon, and added 59 connections.
Thank you for participating in the 2024 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create a total of 50,162 profiles for the year through the challenge. We exceeded our 2024 goal of reaching 400k profiles and finished out the year with 455,869!
You can see your personal 2024 challenge total and your all time 2021-2024 total on the 2024 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.
Thank you for participating in the January 2024 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 6202 profiles. We’re reaching toward a new goal of 400,000 profiles in 2024.
All first-time participants in 2024 can add the 2024 participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 157 new profiles during the January 2024 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for participating in the December 2023 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 6214 profiles. We created a total of 46,036 profiles for the year. We met our 2023 goal of 250k profiles and finished out the year with 168,195!
You can see your personal 2023 total and your all time 2021-2023 total on the 2023 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.
Congratulations on certifying to work on pre-1700 profiles! It’s very important to read and understand the Help:Pre-1700 Profiles page. These profiles for deep ancestors are shared by many, and collaborating on them works best if we all follow the guidelines in the certification quiz.
Primary sources should always be added to pre-1700 profiles at the time they are created. If you don't have a source for a pre-1700 profile, it would be best to ask for help in the G2G forum before creating the profile.
Thank you for participating in the April 2023 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 5952 profiles. Our new total is 201,351. 250k here we come!
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 90 new profiles during the April 2023 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for participating in the January 2023 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 6960 profiles. It was one of our biggest months of all time! Our new total is 174,667.
All first-time participants in 2023 can add the 2023 participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 228 new profiles during the January 2023 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for your many contributions in the 2022 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us reach 161,603 profiles! We’re going for 250,000 profiles in 2023!
Thank you for joining the November USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 4748 new profiles! Our new total is 153,062. We’re going for 250,000 profiles next!
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 369 new profiles during the November 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for joining the October USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3419 new profiles! Our new total is 147,729. We have less than 2300 to our 2022 goal! Wow!
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 424 new profiles during the October 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for joining the September USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 2978 new profiles! Our new total is 140,351. We have less than 10,000 to our 2022 goal!
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 113 new profiles during the September 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for joining the USBH Weekend Sprint—adding birth locations. In 3 days we added 1792 locations! We also made many other valuable improvements to profiles. Together we cleared 19% of the profiles needing love!
Thank you for joining the August USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 2400 new profiles! Our new total is 131,074. We have less than 19,000 to our 2022 goal!
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 193 new profiles during the August 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for joining the June USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create almost 6000 new profiles! Our new total is 126903. We have less than 24,000 to our 2022 goal!
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 305 new profiles during the August 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for joining the May USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3182 new profiles. Our new total is 107, 702. We have less than 43000 to our 2022 goal! Congratulations on taking first place for this month.
Katie, Thank you for joining the March USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3153 new profiles. Our new total is over 97,000. We’re so close to 100,000!
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 347 new profiles during the March 2022 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for reaching out. I have added the African American Project to Leon Collins profile as you requested. I look forward to seeing what you can add.
I’ve been actively involved in genealogy for about eleven years, and I’ve been at tap dancer since I was 19. When I was studying acting in New York in 1983-84, I took tap classes with Maurice Hines, and I read Marshall Stearns book on the History of Jazz Dance. I didn’t know about Leon Collins until my current tap teacher in Toronto, Amy Lintunen, mentioned him in class and I looked up some of the videos of him dancing on YouTube.
After watching a few episodes of Henry Louis Gates show, Finding your Roots, I decided to see what I could find on Wikipedia, Newspapers.com and Ancestry about Leon Collins and to add a profile for him on Wikitree.
The thing that I found surprising is that even through I know where he was born and the names of his parents, I couldn’t find any census data on Leon. Perhaps you’ll be able to find this information where I couldn’t.
I'd like to start working on the PATH for The Black Heritage Project.
Michael Whitehead
Hi Michael, Thanks for adding the project! The USBH Project is on the Trusted List now but would you please do one more step and add it as Manager? (You don't need to remove yourself; multiple entities can share management). I really enjoyed learning what you'd written about Mr. Collins and it inspired me to go read his Wikipedia article! I can't make any promises but since his birthday is coming up in February I'll see if our connections coordinator can add him to our challenge list (she may already have ones planned). For census, I think I see data for him living with his mother (Eloise), sister Elinor and grandmother Mamie Brooks in Chicago in 1940? I'll add that to the profile and you can take a look and see if you think that's right.
We would love to have you on the project! If you follow the directions on this page and answer the G2G post to become a member, then someone will reach out to you and ask what PATH you want to do. Its not a long process. Thanks, Katie
I added some info to his profile; do you believe his mother is Eloise Brooks Collins? If so I think you have enough evidence to add with census record; although not 100% sure of her maiden name. Appears her mother Mamie Brooks is living with them in 1940 census. And found this death certificate index for Mamie that gives her father as Charles Simeon, husband George. https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?dbid=2542&h=2080226&indiv=try&o_vc=Record:OtherRecord&rhSource=1501
Thank you for contributing to the December 2021 Sourcerers Challenge! As you know, every source added to an unsourced profile improves our One Tree. Thank you for taking time from your own family history to help others.
Katie, Thank you for joining the November Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3780 new profiles. Our 2021 total is now 33352 for the challenge, but 42,000 for new profiles on WikiTree!
Katie (Cooper) Bryant created 326 new profiles during the November 2021 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for adding your DNA to WikiTree. Getting the Best from DNA will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree.
And I see that you have uploaded a GEDCOM. The GEDCOM will not automatically populate your tree, it generates a GEDCOMpare report. The GEDCOMpare process guide has tips on how to use the data in your file most efficiently.
If you have questions about how WikiTree works, let me know. To contact me, log into WikiTree, and go to your profile. Use the Reply link below my comment to be sure that I will be notified. Alternatively, click my name to visit my profile. From there, you can leave a comment, or send a private message.
I meant to post this a wee while ago but have been caught up working on other genealogy and Wikitree stuff.
Thanks for showing Scotland as one of your interests. If you haven’t yet done so, please join the Scotland project via the G-2-G topic. I hope you get a great deal of pleasure collaborating with colleagues in this great project. If you have any questions or wish any advice either send me a private message or email me.
As you have been a member of WikiTree for a few weeks now I thought I would check in to see how you are getting on with the site.
Has the New Member How-To been helpful or left you with any questions?
I am here to help with any problems or queries you may have. To contact me, be sure to use the "reply" link for this comment so that I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment on my profile page.
Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile. The links will work from there.
Welcome to WikiTree, K., and thank you for upgrading!
Click here to start with our New Member How-To Pages. They will save you time, energy, and frustration as you add your family profiles.
Thank you for adding your DNA to WikiTree. Getting the Best from DNA will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree.
I hope you enjoy WikiTree as much as I have. You never know when you will find a lost family member or ancestor. Or maybe find a hidden family secret about an ancestor.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always happy to help! To contact me, please log in to WikiTree and go to your profile. Use the Reply link below my comment to be sure I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment, on my profile page.
This is just a note to say hi and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree.
To contact me, please log in to WikiTree and go to your profile. Use the Reply link below my comment to be sure I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment, on my profile page.
Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers:
Katie is
25 degrees from Prince Nelson, 21 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 20 degrees from Garth Brooks, 29 degrees from Chubby Checker, 26 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 22 degrees from Dusty Hill, 27 degrees from Whitney Houston, 23 degrees from Mick Jagger, 21 degrees from Paul McCartney, 21 degrees from Tom Petty, 19 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 23 degrees from Shania Twain
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
You can see your personal 2024 challenge total and your all time 2021-2024 total on the 2024 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.
Registration for the August WikiGames has begun early. For this event, a team will be chosen for you. https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1738020/have-you-registered-for-our-2024-wikigames-yet
The April Connect A Thon sign up has already arrived. Team Roses has its own sign up post here. I hope to see you there!
All first-time participants in 2024 can add the 2024 participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers
You can see your personal 2023 total and your all time 2021-2023 total on the 2023 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.
Congratulations on certifying to work on pre-1700 profiles! It’s very important to read and understand the Help:Pre-1700 Profiles page. These profiles for deep ancestors are shared by many, and collaborating on them works best if we all follow the guidelines in the certification quiz.
Primary sources should always be added to pre-1700 profiles at the time they are created. If you don't have a source for a pre-1700 profile, it would be best to ask for help in the G2G forum before creating the profile.
Stuart ~ WikiTree Pre-1700 Greeter
All first-time participants in 2023 can add the 2023 participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers
You can see your 2022 total and your all time 2021-2022 total on our tracking spreadsheet.
Congratulations on being the 4th top contributor in 2022!
We’ve started the March challenge here: March Connecting Challenge.
We’ve started the February challenge here: February Connecting Challenge.
edited by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Thank you for reaching out. I have added the African American Project to Leon Collins profile as you requested. I look forward to seeing what you can add. I’ve been actively involved in genealogy for about eleven years, and I’ve been at tap dancer since I was 19. When I was studying acting in New York in 1983-84, I took tap classes with Maurice Hines, and I read Marshall Stearns book on the History of Jazz Dance. I didn’t know about Leon Collins until my current tap teacher in Toronto, Amy Lintunen, mentioned him in class and I looked up some of the videos of him dancing on YouTube. After watching a few episodes of Henry Louis Gates show, Finding your Roots, I decided to see what I could find on Wikipedia, Newspapers.com and Ancestry about Leon Collins and to add a profile for him on Wikitree. The thing that I found surprising is that even through I know where he was born and the names of his parents, I couldn’t find any census data on Leon. Perhaps you’ll be able to find this information where I couldn’t. I'd like to start working on the PATH for The Black Heritage Project. Michael Whitehead Whitehead-2693
We would love to have you on the project! If you follow the directions on this page and answer the G2G post to become a member, then someone will reach out to you and ask what PATH you want to do. Its not a long process. Thanks, Katie
We’ve started the January challenge here: January Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for contributing to the December 2021 Sourcerers Challenge! As you know, every source added to an unsourced profile improves our One Tree. Thank you for taking time from your own family history to help others.
Nan, WT Appreciation Team
We’ve started the November challenge here: November Connecting Challenge
We’ve started the October challenge here: October Connecting Challenge
We’ve started the September challenge here: September Connecting Challenge
We’ve started the August challenge here: August Connecting Challenge
Thank you for joining the June Connecting Challenge and helping us create 2299 new profiles!
We’ve started the July challenge here: July Connecting Challenge
Thank you for joining the May Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3726 new profiles!
We’ve started the June challenge here: June Connecting Challenge
Thank you for joining the April Connecting Challenge and helping us create 4886 new profiles!
We’ve started the May challenge here: May Connecting Challenge
Thank you for joining the March Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3850 profiles!
You can add the participation sticker to your profile if you’d like. Connecting Challenge Stickers
I f you'd like more on the Stapleton ancestry send me an email. [email address removed]
Best regards,
Mike Stapleton Irish Stapleton Researcher
Thank you for adding your DNA to WikiTree. Getting the Best from DNA will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree.
And I see that you have uploaded a GEDCOM. The GEDCOM will not automatically populate your tree, it generates a GEDCOMpare report. The GEDCOMpare process guide has tips on how to use the data in your file most efficiently.
If you have questions about how WikiTree works, let me know. To contact me, log into WikiTree, and go to your profile. Use the Reply link below my comment to be sure that I will be notified. Alternatively, click my name to visit my profile. From there, you can leave a comment, or send a private message.
Best of luck with your research!
Lothar ~ WikiTree Greeter
Thanks for showing Scotland as one of your interests. If you haven’t yet done so, please join the Scotland project via the G-2-G topic. I hope you get a great deal of pleasure collaborating with colleagues in this great project. If you have any questions or wish any advice either send me a private message or email me.
As you have been a member of WikiTree for a few weeks now I thought I would check in to see how you are getting on with the site.
Has the New Member How-To been helpful or left you with any questions?
I am here to help with any problems or queries you may have. To contact me, be sure to use the "reply" link for this comment so that I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment on my profile page.
Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile. The links will work from there.
Ginny ~ WikiTree Messenger
Click here to start with our New Member How-To Pages. They will save you time, energy, and frustration as you add your family profiles.
Thank you for adding your DNA to WikiTree. Getting the Best from DNA will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree.
I hope you enjoy WikiTree as much as I have. You never know when you will find a lost family member or ancestor. Or maybe find a hidden family secret about an ancestor.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always happy to help! To contact me, please log in to WikiTree and go to your profile. Use the Reply link below my comment to be sure I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment, on my profile page.
David ~ WikiTree Greeter
This is just a note to say hi and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree.
To contact me, please log in to WikiTree and go to your profile. Use the Reply link below my comment to be sure I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment, on my profile page.
David ~ WikiTree Greeter
(AF | CS | DK | DE | ES | FI | FR | IT | NL | PT | RU | SV | UK | ZH)