Leanne Cooper
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Leanne Cooper

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 15 Jun 2014 | 19,733 contributions | 657 thank-yous | 3,444 connections
Leanne M. Cooper
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Sister of and [private sister (1960s - unknown)]
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Profile last modified | Created 8 Jun 2014
This page has been accessed 8,771 times.

Visit my blog at leannecoopergenealogy.ca


I grew up in the Canadian Maritime provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island), and three of my four grandparents have their roots there as well, with English (and some Scottish) ancestors. My paternal grandfather came to Canada from Bermuda, also with English ancestors. My roots are so English, I even have an ancestor named English.

Here are some of the names I'm researching: Allen [New Brunswick], Andrews [Devon], Beckwith [New Brunswick], Cooper [Bermuda], Crawford [New Brunswick], Easton [Scotland, New Brunswick], English [New Brunswick], Fillmore [New Brunswick], Finney [New Brunswick], Hicks [New Brunswick], Ingham [Bermuda], Johnson [New Brunswick], Kirkland [New Brunswick], Lockhart [New Brunswick], Masters [Bermuda], McGary, Moore [Bermuda], Morris [New Brunswick], Newbold [Bermuda], Prowse [Prince Edward Island, Devon], Richardson [New Brunswick], Rider [Devon], Scott [New Brunswick], Sharpe [New Brunswick], Taylor [New Brunswick], Weeks, Wheaton [New Brunswick], White [Bermuda], Whitter [Bermuda], Willis [Prince Edward Island], Young [Bermuda]

If you have some names in common with me, please let me know - let's try to get them connected!

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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers: It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Leanne: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 49

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I appreciated your WikiTree videos on YouTube. I feel more confident researching my family tree after watching them. The videos are very well done with lots of good information. I see we have ancestors in both our families. Thank you very much.

Mayfield-3249 Vicki

posted by Vicki (Mayfield) Kruger
edited by Vicki (Mayfield) Kruger
Leanne, I assume that you were responsible for "Welcome to WikiTree Series" on the Wikitree Youtube channel. You asked for suggestions for other topics that need covering in your admirably brief YouTube format. Two ideas came to me that seem worth considering:

1. The use of GEDCOMpare and how it should be used to update the WikiTree profiles.

2. How the 'One World Tree' works and how to make a connection and trace connections.


posted by Stephen Adey
edited by Stephen Adey
Hello, cousin!

Leanne and William share a ninth great-grandfather Samuel Eddy, Sr..

posted by William Thompson
Thank you Leanne for the excellent talk and Q&A session you gave to the Quinte Branch OGS on Saturday in Trenton. I am taking my first baby steps on WikiTree and appreciate that you drove down from Ottawa to introduce us to the site. Cheers.
posted by John Charlton
Hi, Leanne — This question goes back to May 2016. How was the difference of opinion as to the parents of Susannah (Coates) Dixon (COATES-432) resolved? I’m guessing one set of parents was Richard and Mary Coat(e)s and the other set was John and Catharine Elizabeth (Thornhill) Coates as shown now. Background: Susannah Coates who married Charles Dixon, and Isabella Coates (COATES-283) who married John Trenholm, seemed to be related to each other, leading to speculation they were sisters. Therefore when some Yorkshire records seemed to show Isabella was the daughter of Richard and Mary Coat(e)s, it was assumed that yhey were probably also Susannah’s parents. However additional Yorkshire records were found which suggested Susannah’s parents may have been John and Catharine Elizabeth (Thornhill) Coates. I would certainly love to learn how it was decided to go with John and Catharine Elizabeth. Although they seemed to have the best argument, I did not personally find it convincing enough to be considered decisive of the issue.
posted by GR Gordon
Leanne, Will Lockhart will always be a mystery. I'm OK with leaving it at that.
posted by Stu Ward
Leanne and Charles are 16th cousins once removed
posted by [Living Onstott]
Leanne Cooper is 26 Degrees from Reverend Robert Southern
posted by [Living Onstott]
Leanne Cooper is 26 Degrees from Charles Onstott
posted by [Living Onstott]
Thank you for the notice, I feel royal
posted by [Living Lajiness]
Nice Leanne - Member of the Week!! I should buy you a coffee or something!


posted by Mags Gaulden

Acadian heritage connections: Leanne is 20 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 19 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 20 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 14 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 18 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 18 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 16 degrees from Anne Langstroth, 15 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 14 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 18 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 17 degrees from Mary Travers and 16 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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