My Big-Y 700 test puts me in Haplogroup R-DC866, which is a sub-branch of R-L226, the Type III Irish subgroup, which is a sub-branch of R-M269, a common European haplogroup.
DNA Ethnicity Estimates July 2024 / Sept 2023 / August 2022 / April 2022)
England & Northwestern Europe 56% / 62% / 50% / 54%
Wales 10% / 13% / 16% / 6%
Scotland 23% / 10%/ 20% / 21%
Ireland 0% / 10% / 9% / 4%
Germanic Europe 7% / 3% / 3% / 2%
Denmark 2% / - / - / -
Indigenous Americas - North 1% / 1% / 1% / 1%
Eastern Europe & Russia 0% /1% / 1% / 1%
Baltics 1% / - / - / -
Eastern Bantu Peoples - / 0% / 0% / 1%
23andMe (updated: July 28, 2021)
British & Irish 87.6%
French & German 8.8%
Eastern European 1.0%
Indigenous American 0.8%
Trace Ancestry 0.4%
Unassigned 0.1%
Ireland 58%
Central Europe 29%
England, Wales, and Scotland 8%
Scandinavia 4%
Basque <1%
Amerindian Andes & Caribbean <1%
Irish, Scottish, and Welsh 53.1%
Scandinavian 34.0%
English 3.2%
East European 1.3%
West Asian 8.4%
See also:
First-hand information. Entered by Jamie Cox at registration.
Parent-child relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Jamie Cox and Etta Joyce Poole, parent child. Predicted relationship reported by AncestryDNA: parent-child based on sharing 3,416 cM across 74 segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
Maternal relationship is confirmed with a AncestryDNA test match between Jamie Cox and Judi DuBois, second cousins. Predicted relationship by AncestryDNA: 2nd Cousins, based on sharing 316 cM across 11 segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
Maternal and Paternal relationship is confirmed with an Ancestry DNA test match between Jamie Cox and S. Cox, siblings. Their most recent common ancestors are their parents, Mel Cox III and Joyce (Poole) Amis. Predicted relationship by Ancestry DNA: siblings, based on sharing 2,728 cM across 58 segments. (100% Sibling)
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Jamie's formal name
full middle name (M.)
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
images (1)
private siblings' names
private children's names (1)
spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Jamie Cox's full information you must be on Jamie's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
Jamie Cox:
Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 700 markers, haplogroup R-DC866, FTDNA kit #475581, MitoYDNA ID T13296[compare]
Have you noticed how we match? I match your Mother also but my paper trail doesn’t match, would be interesting to see what you thought. My tree is on Ancestry and is up to date with you and your mom. (Parks and Berg) , or I can sent you screenshots, etc. Thanks, Steve Parks and Gedmatch A298211, AND I am showing a 4Cx1XR with your father, Marcus, and I am aware of the NPE.
Hi! Yes. And we are 7th cousins (1x removed). That is a small match, but it is surprising 7th cousins match at all. You also match my brother (A149597) at 9 cM. There's probably another, closer relationship among all those old-time Appalachian ancestors that we don't know about.
Thank you for the merge of Benjamin Wesley Hyde. There is a project for this family, which you may be interested in. It requires one to "join" the project to have access to their research.
Hello, just a word (late) to congratulate you on the contributions you made during the month of November. Whatever the quantity, they are all important.
I just wanted to take a second to welcome you to the WikiTree family and thank you for volunteering! There are many great people and resources available here to help you.
If I can help in any way, I will certainly do my best! Please don't hesitate to ask :)
Happy hunting!
Through family history we discover the most beautiful tree in the forest of creationour family tree. ~J. Richard Clarke
We're very pleased you decided to join our community and hope you'll have great success in finding cousins with whom to collaborate.
In the upper right hand corner, you'll find several drop-down-boxes that will prove very useful to you. You might review the help page before you begin this new adventure. The help pages are filled with answers to many questions you may have.
For the health of our shared tree, please add documentation and sources to each profile you create. In order to make it easier to search for duplicates, it's important to add a birth or death date and place to each profile. Please estimate a date if you don't know the exact date.
We hope you're experience as a WikiTreer will be very productive.
I'm happy to share what I have. My father did some genealogy, and now I've been doing it for a while. I'm a FindAGrave contributor, and know the secret to taking legible tombstone photos.
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If you'd like to ask a question, G2G forum is just a click away.
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Come and join our shared tree.
Acadian heritage connections:
Jamie is
20 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 23 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 20 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 23 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 20 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 23 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 21 degrees from Anne Murray, 22 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 22 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 22 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 20 degrees from Marie Travers and 21 degrees from Clarence White
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Have you noticed how we match? I match your Mother also but my paper trail doesn’t match, would be interesting to see what you thought. My tree is on Ancestry and is up to date with you and your mom. (Parks and Berg) , or I can sent you screenshots, etc. Thanks, Steve Parks and Gedmatch A298211, AND I am showing a 4Cx1XR with your father, Marcus, and I am aware of the NPE.
edited by Stephen E Parks
I will look for additional sources for Elizabeth Leatherwood other than the one that I posted:
This site may prove useful:
edited by Janne (Shoults) Gorman
Your work is appreciated.
Guy Constantineau
I just wanted to take a second to welcome you to the WikiTree family and thank you for volunteering! There are many great people and resources available here to help you.
If I can help in any way, I will certainly do my best! Please don't hesitate to ask :)
Happy hunting!
Through family history we discover the most beautiful tree in the forest of creationour family tree. ~J. Richard Clarke
We're very pleased you decided to join our community and hope you'll have great success in finding cousins with whom to collaborate. In the upper right hand corner, you'll find several drop-down-boxes that will prove very useful to you. You might review the help page before you begin this new adventure. The help pages are filled with answers to many questions you may have. For the health of our shared tree, please add documentation and sources to each profile you create. In order to make it easier to search for duplicates, it's important to add a birth or death date and place to each profile. Please estimate a date if you don't know the exact date. We hope you're experience as a WikiTreer will be very productive.
We're creating a global tree. If you'd like to help us, please click the volunteer link and leave a message letting us know. If you'd like to ask a question, G2G forum is just a click away. The WikiTreeHonor Code is what makes our community a very special place. Come and join our shared tree.