Carolina (Dagevos) Millin
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Carolina (Dagevos) Millin

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 25 Feb 2019 | 37,398 contributions | 385 thank-yous | 2,098 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree.
Carolina Millin formerly Dagevos aka Gielen
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1930s - unknown)] and [private mother (1940s - unknown)]
Sister of , [private sister (1960s - unknown)] and [private sister (1960s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Carolina Millin private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 10 Mar 2018
This page has been accessed 4,959 times.

Category: Netherlands Project



Nederlanders na 1811
Carolina (Dagevos) Millin is geboren in Gelderland na 1811
Deze gebruiker heeft het Nederlands als moedertaal.
This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
Carolina is a participant of the Dutch Roots Challenge.

I was born in Arnhem and therefore an Arnhems “meisje” (little girl in Dutch and the name of an Arnhems cookie).

My father Richard Dagevos was born in Dutch East Indies and my mother Jannie Ykema in Sleen, The Netherlands.

We moved to Hilversum when I was at junior school.

When I was a young girl I remember I rode on my bicycle to school with my friend Quirine. I was telling her the story about my father, looking for his mother who stayed behind in the Dutch East Indies. My friend asked me, why don’t you look for her. It was the beginning of a journey through time.

It is a tragic story.

When World War II broke out, my grandparents were separated as my grandfather Eduard Theodorus Cornelis Dagevos (1912-1984) became a prisoner of war and was forced to work for the Burma railway line. My grandmother Corrie Erna (Spruit) Djaruman (1915-1996) and the four children had to go in one of the Japanese camps in the East Indies. The story goes that a Japanese colonel fell in love with my grandmother and told her that her husband had passed away.

My grandmother and the children escaped from the camp and towards the end of the war she fell in love with Raden Djaruman with whom she got her first son, Haryono. When my grandfather came back from the war he discovered that his wife remarried and they decided to divorce. My father and his two brothers left Indonesia together with my grandfather and his new wife to The Netherlands.

My father has never seen his mother again, only on a television broadcast by Polygon in the fifties where he saw her coming out from a plane in New York with her husband.

My father and his youngest brother Lewis tried everything in their power to find their mother, but didn’t succeed.

It was eventually me who found the second born son of my grandmother and her second husband in 1998. Too late, as she passed away two years before. But the foundation was laid for my interest in genealogy.

There are many intriguing stories in my family tree which I love to share.

I was born in The Netherlands and emigrated at the age of 38 years to South Africa together with my husband.

It was one and a half year later where I met the love of my life and soulmate, with whom I married. Together we emigrated to Italy, back to South Africa and since 2014 we happily live in Spain together with our Dachshund Sausage.


After my secretarial education at Philips I began as a secretary for them. After 8 months I left. I became an entrepreneur.

When I met Lee we owned 4 restaurants in South Africa and Spain, a wine farm with guesthouse which we all sold.


My hobbies are cooking, walking, sporting, swimming, genealogy, learning Spanish, writing, knitting and photography.

I have my own cooking blog on my Facebook page CucinaCarolina.


According to the DNA-test, I'm 70.9% Europan and 29.1% Asian.


  • First-hand information. Entered by Carolina Dagevos at registration.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Carolina's formal name
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (3)
  • private siblings' names
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Carolina Millin's full information you must be on Carolina's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Carolina:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Carolina (Dagevos) Millin: MyHeritage DNA, GEDmatch WL2182373 [compare] [compare x], yourDNAportal CARcc683884
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 56

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Hoi Carolina,

Zoals je weet zijn we heel druk bezig met het veranderen van allerlei templates, categorieen, pagina's etc. en daarbij is iets niet helemaal goed gegaan. Ik kan alleen de aanpassing zelf niet doen op jouw pagina, maar zou jij de Template:NetherlandsChallenge (die niet bestaat) weer terug kunnen veranderen naar Template:Dutch Roots Challenge alsjeblieft?

posted by Mar Beers
Hoi Margreet,

Ik heb het veranderd.

Met hartelijke groet, Carolina

Hoi Carolina,

We zijn heel blij om te zien dat je nog steeds actief bent op WikiTree en dat je ook bezig bent met Nederlandse Profielen. We zouden graag met elkaar een nieuwe impuls willen geven aan het Dutch Roots Project om Nederlanders binnen WikiTree beter op de kaart te zetten. Het Dutch Roots Project heeft al meer dan 50.000 profielen onder beheer en in totaal zijn er al meer dan 500.000 Nederlandse profielen op WikiTree Binnen dit project houden we ons bezig met het bewaken van de kwaliteit van deze Nederlandse profielen en anderen te helpen daarmee. We zouden naast deze taken ook andere zaken willen oppakken, maar hiervoor hebben we meer vrijwilligers nodig. Daarom deze vragen aan jou:

1) Heb je interesse om mee te helpen als vrijwilliger bij het Dutch Roots Project? 2) Zo ja, gaat je voorkeur uit naar een specifieke taak binnen het Dutch Roots Project? (denk bijvoorbeeld aan vertalen, sourcen etc of iets anders dat je zou willen aanpakken.)

Wij hopen dat je ons een reactie wilt sturen en voel het niet als een verplichting om iets te gaan doen. Wij willen alleen een inventarisatie maken van wie we kunnen vragen om ons te helpen met bepaalde activiteiten.

Vriendelijk bedankt,

Margreet, namens het Dutch Roots Project

posted by Mar Beers
Hoi Margreet,

Ik zou dat zeker willen doen.

Ik onderzoek graag. Is sourcen dan het beste?

Met hartelijke groet, Carolina

Hi Carolina,

Thank you for contributing to my tree during the WikiTree Challenge this week! Yvette Hoitink

posted by Yvette Hoitink
It has been a pleasure.

With kind regards, Carolina.

Thanks for sourcing, Carolina!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone
Carolina reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the May 2021 Sourcerers' Challenge
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Hi/Hoi Carolina!!

We hebben je deze keer echt nodig! Als je tijd hebt, help dan alsjeblieft.

WT organiseert dit jaar wekelijkse challenges onder de naam: “Year of Accuracy” We hebben er al veel aan gewerkt maar volgende week wordt een bijzondere.

Of je het nu leuk vindt of niet, we hebben deze week jouw hulp nodig om te laten zien waartoe wij als DRP in staat zijn - vanaf woensdag 9 juni en het is gedurende een week erna, start waarschijnlijk laat voor ons Nederlanders (na middernacht) - de uitdaging is om bakstenen muren neer te halen voor de Nederlandse genealoog Yvette Hoitink.

Ze deed geweldig onderzoek naar haar familie. Deze uitdaging gaat over laten zien dat het beter kan!

We hebben natuurlijk al DRP-leden die meedoen aan de challenge, maar de meeste deelnemers zijn Amerikanen. Ze hebben hulp nodig bij vertalingen, het vinden van betrouwbare bronnen, Nederlandse naamgevingsconventies (omdat we vóór 1811 in profielen zullen duiken en waarschijnlijk patroniemen moeten gebruiken en nooit tussennamen) en het toevoegen van biografieën. We zijn er zeker van dat buitenlanders hulp nodig hebben. En leer veel door deze uitdaging, maar ze hebben wat hulp van ons nodig.

Alsjeblieft, je hulp wordt zeer op prijs gesteld.

Om mee te doen: Schrijf je in HIER.

We really need you this time! If you have time, please help.

WT is organizing weekly challenges this year under the name: “Year of Accuracy” We worked on many before but next week will be special.

If you like it or not, we need your help this week just to show what we as DRP are capable of - starting on Wednesday the 9th of June and it is during a week after, starts probably late for us Dutch (after midnight) - the challenge is to bring down brick walls for Dutch genealogist Yvette Hoitink.

She did great research on her family. This challenge is about showing we can do better!

We have, of course, already DRP members joining the challenge, but most participants are Americans. They will need help on translations, finding reliable sources, Dutch Naming Conventions (as we will dive into profiles before 1811 and probably need to use patronymics and never use Middle Names) and adding biographies. We are sure foreigners need help. And learn lots because of this challenge but they need some help from us.

Please, your help is much appreciated.

To join: Subscribe HERE.


Eef, Bea en/and Astrid.

Hoi Astrid,

We hebben net een nieuwe teckel pup die geen goede start had maar nu gelukkig gezond is en je kunt je voorstellen dat het een klein handenbindertje is.

Daarnaast heb ik thuis overlegt met vrouwlief want die was niet gelukkig dat ik de laatste keer elke minuut van de dag besteedde aan een WT project.

Maar, zo’n dringend verzoek kon ik deze keer niet naast me neerleggen.

Dus, ik ga me er voor inzetten. Al heb ik ook wat sociale verplichtingen staan.

Wel even wat vragen.

Begint het voor ons Dutchies dan op 10 juni?

En de link om je “hier” in te schrijven, werkt niet.

Met hartelijke groet, Carolina

Hallo Carolina,

In de bevrijdingsdag challenge is ook het profiel van Johan Hendrik Weidner aangemaakt, de eerste man van Dutch-Paris. Ik probeer dat profiel wat verder aan te vullen, en ben op zoek naar informatie over zijn echtgenotes. Ik heb gelezen dat jij "Gewone Helden" hebt aangeschaft. Ik zou graag willen weten of gegevens over zijn huwelijken daarin te vinden zijn. Met name over de afloop van zijn eerste huwelijk met Elisabeth Cartier, en zijn tweed huwelijk met Naomi ??? in de USA. Zou jij willen kijken of daarover iets te vinden is?

posted by [Living Terink]

Dat ga ik voor je doen. Ik laat het je weten.

Fijne avond!

Met hartelijke groet, Carolina

Jeetje Carolina, wat een werk heb je ervan gemaakt!

Heel, heel erg bedankt, zo heb ik heel wat keus aan citaten om in het profiel te verwerken.

posted by [Living Terink]
Hoi Jan,

In mijn speurtocht naar meer informatie over Joseph Lejeune kwam ik de volgende websites tegen.

Hopelijk heb je er wat aan.

Met vriendelijke groet, Carolina

Aah, dank je Carolina,

Oorlogslevens kende ik al, maar dan met name m.b.t. in WW II overledenen. Blijkt dus ook over verzetsmensen een bron, die ik ook voor hen dan zeker zal raadplegen.

Hartelijke groet, Jan

posted by [Living Terink]
Heel graag gedaan! En ook jij bedankt voor de fantastische informatie over Joseph Le Jeune. Nu heb ik eindelijk een gezicht erbij.

Reuze blij mee.

Met hartelijke groet, Carolina

And after a great Clean-a-Thon you of course are very welcome to join our annual Bevrijdingsdag of Liberation Day Challenge 2021 that will be from 4 May 2021, (20.02 h) until 10 May2021(20.02 h) !

The G2G will be started around that time, but if you would like to join, you can already add your name to the participants list

Greets from the Dutch Roots Challenge team ;)

posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
Hi Bea,

I added my name to the participants.

With kind regards, Carolina.

Thanks for being awesome and our nr 9 Carolina!

A big thank you for the fun we had and all your wonderful work during the Clean-a-Thon 2021!

team Flying Dutchmen - Vliegende Hollanders x

posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
It is my pleasure! I am happy that I was a part of it.
de Caep de Goede Hoop is the correct name for the Cape of that time, I also reset the bio here.
posted by Philip van der Walt
edited by Philip van der Walt
I also restored the bio of Botes-216. Malmesbury was only named that in 1829 (Malmesbury was named in 1829, after the Earl of Malmesbury. Before then the town was previously known as Swartland). South Africa and the Cape Province only came to be known as that in the 20th century.
posted by Philip van der Walt
edited by Philip van der Walt
Hi Philip,

I reached out in G2G for assistance as this error keeps on flagging up in the Data Doctor Project.

With kind regards, Carolina.

Hi Philip,

I understand what you are saying however in the Data Doctor Project where I participated in the Spring Clean-a-Thon 2021, it comes up as an error in the location.

Can I please ask you to reach out to someone who can clarify if you are correct as my knowledge doesn't go this far and this profile won't flag up as an error in the future?

With kind regards, Carolina.

Hi Philip,

I understand what you are saying however however in the Data Doctor Project where I participated in the Spring Clean-a-Thon 2021, it comes up as an error in the location.

Can I please ask you to reach out to someone who can clarify if you are correct as my knowledge doesn't go this far and this profile won't flag up as an error in the future?

With kind regards, Carolina.

Hoi Carolina,

in 2019 heb je me benaderd vanwege de originele foto van Achter de Grote Kerk 31. Het huis van Bauke Ykema en Fokje Epema.

Ik kwam recent jouw aanbod tegen. Voor zover ik kan nagaan heb ik daar niet op gereageerd en waarvoor mijn excuses. Om een ingang te vinden voor ons contact heb ik met aangemeld voor WIKItree. Bijzonder interessante site moet ik zeggen.

Nou, ik ben benieuwd naar je reactie. Een fijne dag verder en met vriendelijke groet van Siem Akkerman l ADGK 25 te Leeuwarden

posted by Siem Akkerman
Dag Siem, Leuk om van je te horen. Ja, Wikitree is een heel interessante site. Ik ben er druk mee 😅 Nou moet je me even helpen, want wat heb ik jou geschreven? Met vriendelijke groet, Carolina
Dag Siem, Henk Links noemde gisteren jouw naam nadat hij jou een bezoek bracht na zijn lunch In De Koperen Tuin. Dat jij een foto had van het huis waar mijn overgrootouders Bauke Harmens Ykema (1882-1953) en Fokje Jans Epema (1886-1956) met hun twee kinderen in de bovenwoning van Achter de Groote Kerk 31 in Leeuwarden woonden.

Ik zie dat het meer dan 3 jaar geleden is dat we contact hadden en daarna niet meer.

Henk vertelde me dat je een onscherpe foto hebt van het huis en dat jij daar nu woont. Klopt dat?Ik heb je een verzoek gestuurd om tot je Trusted List te worden toegelaten. Dan kan ik je de foto als een e-card sturen.

Met hartelijke groet, Carolina

Hoi Carolina!

Voor een geweldige start van de lente hebben we ook dit jaar weer een Spring Clean-a-Thon. Het plezier begint vrijdag 23 april om 14:00 uur en duurt tot maandag 26 april 14:00 vergeet niet je eerst aan te melden voor dit evenement (en doe dit met een ANSWER geen comment of reply) en vermeld natuurlijk ook in het antwoord dat je meedoet met the Flying Dutchmen- Vliegende Hollanders team!

Hopelijk tot snel , Bea & Astrid :)
posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
Hi Carolina,

Congratulations on being awarded the Blue Generous Genealogist badge! Amazing work. Thank you for all you contributions on wikitree!

Kind regards, Kylie ~ Appreciation Team

posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie,

Thank you very much.

I love Wikitree.

With kind regards, Carolina


The 5th! Source-a-Thon will take place from the 2nd of October till the 5th of October. We really hope you will join us at our Team The Flying Dutchmen. Registering is open now HERE. More info at our Team page HERE or at our G2G-S-a-Th-Chat.

Hope to see you!

Margreet, Bea and Astrid

Hi Carolina,

After a great Liberation day challenge, the Connect-a-Thon is coming up, it will take place from Friday 17 July 2020-Monday 20 July 2020) so everyone is invited to join the Flying Dutchmen Team - Vliegende let's all hop on the boat (teampage) ;) again and have some fun together. Don't forget to first register here (you can register until wednesday 15 july) and let them know you're going to rock the Flying Dutchmen (women) - Vliegende Hollanders boat ..and here's our connect-a-thon chat.

Hope to see you soon,

Bea and Astrid x

posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
I want to congratulate you on your Generous Genealogist award you received May 8, 2020.

John Williams


Wikitree Appreciation Team

posted by [Living Williams]
edited by [Living Williams]
That is very kind!

Thank you.

With kind regards, Carolina

Congratulations Carolina and many thanks for your enthusiasm and wonderful work, you're the one and only Dutch Roots Liberation day 2020 3th place winner !

The Dutch Roots Challenge project team :)

posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
edited by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
It’s been a pleasure!

It was exciting and interesting to do.

I got to know more about the members of the Dutch Roots Challenge project team members.

And I would like to thank you and other Wikitree members very much.

I love the use of Wikitree. It is a powerful source. Especially because it shares the sources of entries on profiles. And it is important that it is free and open to anyone.

I will keep promoting it.

With warmest wishes for you all.


All the same here Carolina and we were happy you joined us ! Stay safe and healthy and warmest wishes from all of us in return x
posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
I know......... first the Cl-a-Th now a DRP challenge. But it is our 5th Liberation Day challenge. Just to celebrate freedom and remember those that made us to live in FREEDOM! Join us please!
I would like to assist. It is my first time. How do I know if another participant is for example searching for a birth registration of the same profile I am looking at. And what time on May 1st will the names be announced?

With kind regards, Carolina

Hi Carolina,

Wow, thank you for joining. First of all, yes it happens that two people are searching for the same. Mostly people announce on who they start at G2G after the persons are announced. And after a short time there are many family members having a profile and is the change little you re searching for the same. We re most of the time just with a small, but very enthousiastic group.

Everyone is also welcome to add images to the profiles.

The profiles we start with will be announced shortly before the challenge starts.

I hope I answered your questions? :)

Welcome to the fun Carolina. I hope you will enjoy it.

Carolina HERE is our Challenge chat. And HERE is our Challenge page.
Yes! My questions are answered.

I look forward to my first challenge.

Wishing you a wonderful day!

Wonderful Carolina! Please feel free to ask anything. Always happy to help.

If you send me a Private Message from my profile I can answer you so you will have my e-mailadres and we are in direct contact. (I live in Europe we might have a slight time difference :) )


Isn t that special, you knowing the "van Beelaerts"?? Wonderful!!! :D
The fourth Spring Clean-a-Thon is coming! The cleaning will start on Friday, April 24, at 8 AM (EDT) and run until Monday, April 27, at 8 AM (EDT).

Please join us at Team Flying Dutchmen after registering HERE.

And please feel welcome to join us in the mean time at cleaning up a Dutch Roots Gedcom we work on together for the next weeks.

Hope to see you soon!

Margreet, Bea and Astrid

Hi Carolina!

First of all we all are wishing you a very happy and healthy 2020! And for a great start of this new year we will have a Scan-a-Thon again. The fun starts this weekend, from Friday 10 January (8 AM (ET) until Monday 13 January (8 AM (ET) and the registration cut-off is Wednesday, January 8th, at 11:59 pm, ET, so if you want to participate make sure to register for this event (hurry ;) ) (and respond with an ANSWER not a comment or reply) and of course also mention in the answer you are joining the Flying Dutchmen- Vliegende Hollanders team !

Hope to see you soon,

Bea & Astrid :)

posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
Hi Carolina,

I hope you have some time and energy to join us at the upcoming DRP challenge. We like to have you as particpant. The challenge is besides adding profiles about fun and getting to know each other better. The challenge lasts from the 30th of December to the 6th of January. It is not important if you can not be around every day. Any add is welcome. And we like to jump together at WT into the New Year! HERE you find more info.

Already wishing you a Happy New Year!

Bea, Margreet and Astrid

posted by Mar Beers

Wanna have some fun ? It's almost time for the Source-a-Thon 2019 (Friday 4 October-Monday 7 October) and we would love to see you ! make sure to first register (with an answer!), and let them know you join the Flying Dutchmen - Vliegende Hollanders and of course feel free to add your name to the team here (click link) (don't forget to remember and add your number (for the prizedrawings) there as well). ;)

Hope to see you soon and have a great day,

Bea + Astrid :)

Welcome to the Netherlands and the Dutch Roots Project Carolina !

At our Dutch Roots Project page you can find all project info .. if you still have questions or need some help feel free to ask, we're all happy to help :)

Here's a direct link to our most important links for info for and about Dutch profiles. And here's the latest Project Update.

Good luck, have fun and thanks for joining !

the Dutch Roots Project Team :)
posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
Congratulations on making more than 100 contributions to WikiTree for the month of June!

We all appreciate your efforts to make our Shared Tree the best it can be.

Keep up the great work and THANK YOU!!

Shannon Thomas

WikiTree Appreciation Team

Carolina, Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz! Pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, thus coordinating with others is essential.

Thanks for joining the Huguenot Project.

Please refer to the new recommended sources for Pre-1700’s.Cite Reliable sources

For questions, just ask!

Mary ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

PS If links do not work in a WikiTree email, check on your profile page for this message.

posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Carolina

Wow great start were the Member How-Tos pages helpful or did they leave you with questions?

Clicking your green tags shows members who follow that tag. Add tags other family surnames, for locations add a tag for DUTCH_ROOTS. The tags link you to the community sourcing & research options Information on tags is on page one of the How To pages.

We want to help you learn about the site and the community, hopefully you found the pages and links useful.

Questions click my name & ask in the comment box on my page or post in the G2G Forum (see Help top right of your Profile

Janet ~ Wikitree Messenger

P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree click in the comment box in your profile

Hi Carolina

I noticed you chose our Integrators Challenge this month. Could you do us a favor and go here to sign up officially: . And if you can please add your question that you will be working on for the challenge.

Got a question, see this page as well:

Also, you can put a sticker on your profile You can do so by adding the words Integrators Challenge with the {{ }} in front and back, in your biography.

Thank you and Good Luck!! Dorothy ~ Integrators Project Coordinator

posted by Dorothy Barry

Thanks for volunteering! You are now an active member of the WikiTree community, and can start adding your family.

I suggest starting with the New Member How-To pages, they will save you a lot of time and frustration. Building your family tree on WikiTree will help you connect with others who have the same ancestors.

Need help? Just ask!

Mary ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.

posted by Mary Richardson

This is just a note to say hello and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about WikiTree. To contact me, click the link to my name, then send a private message or post a comment on my profile page.

Ludwig, WikiTree Greeter

P.S. If you ever get a "Page Not Found" error when you click a link in a WikiTree email, you can usually find a functioning link in the public comments section of your profile page.

posted by Ludwig Kraayenbrink

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Carolina is 32 degrees from Prince Nelson, 26 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 27 degrees from Garth Brooks, 15 degrees from Chubby Checker, 25 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 26 degrees from Dusty Hill, 38 degrees from Whitney Houston, 19 degrees from Mick Jagger, 27 degrees from Paul McCartney, 28 degrees from Tom Petty, 22 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 17 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

D  >  Dagevos  |  M  >  Millin  >  Carolina (Dagevos) Millin

Categories: Huguenot Migration Project | Indonesia Project | Nederlanders uit Gelderland na 1811 | Nl | En-3